• Contact form 7 and v3 ReCAPTCHA Not working. I get the error message “Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method.” when I have the integration with v3 ReCAPTCHA setup. When I remove the integration with v3 ReCAPTCHA the form sends fine. This issue was reported by numerous people a few weeks ago, but it has not been fixed nor have I seen a workaround posted. Can you please address this issue?

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  • Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    Where can we see the website in question?

    Thread Starter judyvedder


    The website is avfx.com, but I have removed the integration with ReCAPTCHA so the forms will work. If you need access to the website please tell me how to send that to you securely.

    Thread Starter judyvedder


    I have done a bit more investigation and when ReCAPTCHA v3 is integrated on the form it is deemed SPAM and does not send. When I remove the ReCAPTCHA v3 integration it DOES send.

    I looked on Flamingo and I can see the email messages marked as SPAM. The Spam log: reCAPTCHA response token is empty. I researched this message and people pointed to caching not loading the js. I removed my caching plugin, which was set to delay the loading of js, and now the form sends. What JS(s) do I need to exclude from delayed loading to get this to work?

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