Activity Log



Want to monitor and track your WordPress website activity? Find out exactly who does what on your WordPress website. the Activity Log plugin is like an airplane’s black box that logs every activity in WordPress admin, and lets you see exactly what users are doing on your WordPress website.

  • Like, if someone is trying to hack your site.
  • Or, when a post was published, and who published it.
  • Or, if a plugin/theme was activated/deactivated.
  • Log suspicious admin activity.
  • Securing your site by tracking log of all user activity?

Useful, right? Trust us, you won’t understand how you managed your website without it. The plugin is also lightning fast and works behind the scenes, so it doesn’t affect site and admin performance. For optimal performance, we built the plugin so it runs on a separate table in the database.

If you have tens of users or more, you really can’t know who did what. This plugin tries to solve this issue by tracking what users do, and displaying it in an easy to use and easy to filter view on the dashboard of your WordPress site.

Export to CSV Export your Activity Log data records to CSV. Developers can easily add support for custom data formats with our new dedicated Export API.

Data Privacy and GDPR Compliance We provide the tools to help you be GDPR compliant, including Export/Erasure of data via the WordPress Privacy Tools.

With the Activity Log you can record:

  • WordPress – Core Updates
  • Posts – Created, Updated, Deleted
  • Pages – Created, Updated, Deleted
  • Custom Post Type – Created, Updated, Deleted
  • Tags – Created, Edited, Deleted
  • Categories – Created, Edited, Deleted
  • Taxonomies – Created, Edited, Deleted
  • Comments – Created, Approved, Unproved, Trashed, Untrashed, Spammed, Unspammed, Deleted
  • Media – Uploaded, Edited, Deleted
  • Users – Login, Logout, Login has failed, Update profile, Registered and Deleted
  • Plugins – Installed, Updated, Activated, Deactivated, Changed
  • Themes – Installed, Updated, Deleted, Activated, Changed (Editor and Customizer)
  • Widgets – Added to a sidebar / Deleted from a sidebar, Order widgets
  • Menus – A menu is being Created, Updated, Deleted
  • Setting – General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, Permalinks
  • Options – Can be extend by east filter
  • Export – User download export file from the site
  • WooCommerce – Monitor all shop settings and options
  • bbPress – Forums, Topics, Replies, Taxonomies and other actions
  • There’s more, but you get the point…

What people are saying

  • “Best 10 Free WordPress Plugins of the Month – July 2014: Keeping tabs on what your users do with their access to the Dashboard”
  • “Thanks to this step, we’ve discovered that our site was undergoing a brute force attack”
  • “Optimized code – The plugin itself is blazing fast and leaves almost no footprint on the server.”
  • “The plugin successful for activity log for WordPress.”
  • “This is a pretty simple yet quite effective plugin for keeping track of what your admins and users do on your sites.”
  • “Activity Log lets you track a huge range of activities. Overall, very easy to use and setup.”


The plugin does not require any kind of setup. It works out of the box (and that’s another reason people love it).

We’re planning to add a lot more features in the upcoming releases. If you think we’re missing something big time, please post your suggestions in the plugin’s forum.


Would you like to like to contribute to Activity Log? You are more than welcome to submit your pull requests on the GitHub repo. Also, if you have any notes about the code, please open a ticket on the issue tracker.


  • The log viewer page
  • The settings page
  • Screen Options


  1. Upload plugin files to your plugins folder, or install using WordPress’ built-in Add New Plugin installer
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. Go to the plugin page (under Dashboard > Activity Log)



  • Requires PHP5 for list management functionality.

What is the plugin license?

  • This plugin is released under a GPL license.

Can I export logs?

  • You can easily export logs with Activity Log. We also support exporting filtered results. Filter by the time the action took place, roles, users, options, action type, and more.


14 Oktyabr 2023
Being able to see what preceded an error on a website is so immensely helpful that you cannot imagine it before you actually try it. Especially when working with clients. So many times have we been able to identify the cause of an issue, as we could see that “Oh, this person edited that page last Monday” or “Aha, function x stopped working after updating plugin y”. It's also valuable to check if someone else is working on a website, before making major changes, not disturbing each of the others work. Activity Log is installed on all my websites, and has been for years. It fills a gap that, weirdly enough, is present in a CMS that encourages multiple users and roles. Highly recommended. Five stars easily ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
18 İyun 2023
Greate user logs to go back in time to see who have done something wrong. In my opinion, this is a must plugin
14 May 2023
I have installed this plugin on all my clients websites which helps me keep track of who did what making troubleshooting any issues quick and simple when something goes wrong. I could have created a similar plugin myself, but what's the point when the authors of Activity Log have already done such a great job? So, instead, I coded a script to send the info from this plugin to a central database where I can keep an eye on all client sites in one place, which is definitely easier than checking each one individually. The only thing that is kind of annoying about this plugin is the Elementor ad a the top of the admin back-end. I am a big fan of Elementor for certain types of sites and use it on many sites, but I don't need or want my clients to see these ads because it looks very unprofessional. I certainly don't mind having ads there if they support the authors in keeping plugins updated, but it can be quite annoying when they are, as the phrase goes, "in your face".
08 Noyabr 2022 1 reply
WP Plugin guidelines state that plugins should not create a top level navigation element in /wp-admin if it's not necessary. That and the ad for Elementor made for an instant uninstall for me.
08 İyul 2022
A really simple activity log, easy to use. The UI is intuitive and search feature is nice. There aren't a lot of options or feature but it does what I need it to, and it's free.
21 İyun 2022
This is one of simple, easy to use plugin and, never broke or had any issue despite being free. This plugin really helps to find out the unauthorized and malicious activity with ease. I really appreciate the good work. Thank you so much.
Read all 71 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Activity Log” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Activity Log” has been translated into 25 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Activity Log” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


2.9.0 – 2023-11-22

  • New: Added log when plugin is deleted (Topic)
  • Tweak: Added an option to “Do not collect IP” in the log (#195)

2.8.8 – 2023-08-20

  • Tweak: Added aal_export_csv_separator filter to change the separator in CSV export (Topic)
  • Tweak: Added Visitor IP Detected to prevent IP manipulations in log

2.8.7 – 2023-07-30

  • Tweak: Remove Elementor Promotion from Activity Log plugin
  • Tweak: Added support for non-standard WordPress loading (Topic)
  • Fix: Logs kept for longer than settings (Topic, #178)

2.8.6 – 2023-05-08

  • Tweak: Improved database performance for new installations by adding indexes
  • Fix: Added compatibility for PHP 8.1 (#180)

2.8.5 – 2022-11-21

  • Tweak: Now the date/time format is displayed according to the site settings (Topic)
  • Fix: Added compatibility for PHP 8.1 (Topic)
  • Fix: Add input sanitization to avoid security issues

2.8.4 – 2022-09-04

  • Tweak: Added Activity Log setting to records log
  • Tweak: Added encoded value in CSV file (#165)

2.8.3 – 2022-03-09

  • Tweak: Run Clear old items from DB once daily to avoid unexpected errors (#156)

2.8.2 – 2022-01-25

  • Fix: Auto-updates of core, plugins and themes are not registered to the log (#155, props @nicomollet)

2.8.1 – 2021-12-01

  • Fix: Activity log database table not being dropped after deleting the plugin in multisite installation

2.8.0 – 2021-11-17

  • New: Added Privacy Settings to records log
  • New: Added Site Language to records log
  • New: Added a filter link to Topic, IP, Date, User and Action in the log table screen
  • Tweak: Aligned Topics to be in plural instead of singular
  • Fix: Filter by users dropdown on activity page threw a timeout error in some cases (#141)
  • Fix: CSV Export issue with comma separated values (Topic)

2.7.0 – 2021-05-06

  • New: Added an option to skip or keep the failed login logs for better optimization (#125)
  • Tweak: Improved the activity log table with clear labels and re-order columns for better UX
  • Tweak: Changed the wrong_password action to failed_login in User topic
  • Tweak: Changed the added action to uploaded in Attachment topic
  • Tweak: Changed the created action to registered in User topic
  • Fix: Add input sanitization to avoid security issues

2.6.1 – 2021-02-15

  • Fix: Conflict with WooCommerce while you using new block editor

2.6.0 – 2020-10-19

  • Tweak: Added support for CloudFlare and CloudFlare Enterprise client IP header (#133)
  • Tweak: Added browser confirmation to Reset Database option
  • Tweak: Notification tab is now deprecated for new installations
  • Tweak: Added support for displaying custom role activity log (#78, #135, Topic, Topic)
  • Fix: Show user data on log-out action (#126, Topic)
  • Fix: Removed unused help context in admin to resolve deprecated WP error (Topic)
  • Fix: PHP Notices are thrown when Debug mode is active (Topic)
  • Fix: Resolve jQuery Deprecation Notice and compatibility with WordPress 5.6+ (Topic)


  • Fix: Conflict with Elementor and WordPress Widgets


  • Fix! – PHP < 5.4 compatibility (Topic)


  • New! Added log to Export Personal Data tool for better GDPR Compliance (Topic)


  • Fix! – Escape title before saving to database


  • New! Export your Activity Log data records to CSV (#70)


  • Fix! – Admin table filters


  • Fix! – Added comparability for WordPress 4.8.2 & 4.7.6


  • Tweak! – Change Guest user to “N/A”


  • Fixed! – Minor XSS vulnerability, credit to Han Sahin


  • Fixed! – Minor XSS vulnerability, credit to Han Sahin


  • Tweak! – Added seconds in time column
  • Tweak! – Rearrange filters in list table


  • Tweak! – All translates moved to GlotPress
  • Tweak! – Added restore status for Posts (#46)
  • Tweak! – A11y changes for WordPress 4.4 which requires h1 tags (#84)
  • Tweak! – Allow some ajax requests just for admin


  • Tested up to WordPress v4.5


  • Tweak! – Temporarily remove Freemius SDK from the plugin


  • Tweak! Update Freemius SDK
  • Tested up to WordPress v4.4.2


  • Tweak! Update Freemius SDK


  • Tweak! Update Freemius SDK


  • Added! – Freemius Insights platform to improve plugin UX
  • Tweak! Update translate: Russian (ru_RU) – Thanks to Oleg Reznikov
  • Tested up to WordPress v4.4


  • Tweak! – Added sort by IP address (#77)
  • Tweak! – Added more actions/types in notification


  • New! – Added translate: Finnish (fi) – Thanks to Nazq (topic)
  • Tweak! – Better actions label in list table
  • Fixed! – Notice php warring in MU delete site
  • Tested up to WordPress v4.3


  • New! – Added translate: Czech (cs_CZ) – Thanks to Martin Kokeš (#76)


  • Tweak! – Added more filters in table list columns


  • Fixed! some PHP strict standards (PHP v5.4+)


  • Fixes from prev release


  • New! – Adds search box, to allow users to search the description field.
  • New! – Allows users to now filter by action
  • New! – Added translate: Polish (pl_PL) – Thanks to Maciej Gryniuk
  • Tweak! – SQL Optimizations for larger sites


  • New! Added translate: Russian (ru_RU) – Thanks to Oleg Reznikov
  • Fixes Undefined property with some 3td party themes/plugins
  • Tested up to WordPress v4.2


  • Tested up to WordPress v4.1
  • Change plugin name to “Activity Log”


  • New! Added translate: Persian (fa_IR) – Thanks to Promising


  • New! Added filter by User Roles (#67)


  • New! Added translate: Turkish (tr_TR) – Thanks to Ahmet Kolcu


  • Fixed! Compatible for old WP version


  • New! Now tracking when menus created and deleted
  • New! Added translate: Portuguese (pt_BR) – Thanks to Criação de Sites


  • New! Store all WooCommerce settings (#62)
  • Tested up to WordPress v4.0


  • New! Now tracking when plugins installed and updated (#59 and #43)


  • New! Now tracking when user download export file from the site (#58 and #63)


  • Tested up to WordPress v3.9.2


  • New! Now tracking when theme installed, updated, deleted (#44)


  • Fixed! Store real IP address in Proxy too (#53)



  • Tweak! Update translate: Hebrew (he_IL)


  • New! Track about WordPress core update (manual or auto-updated) (#41)
  • New! Track post comments (created, approved, unproved, trashed, untrashed, spammed, unspammed, deleted) (#42)


  • New! Personally-tailored notifications that can be triggered by various types of events, users and action type (currently only email notifications are supported)
  • Bug fixes, stability improvements
  • Fixed an error that occurred on PHP 5.5


  • Tested up to WordPress v3.9.0


  • Fixed! Random fatal error (topic)


  • New! Register aal_init_caps filter.
  • Tweak! Change all methods to non-static.
  • Tweak! Some improved coding standards and PHPDoc.
  • Tweak! Split AAL_Hooks class to multiple classes.
  • New! Added translate: Armenia (hy_AM) – Thanks to Hayk Jomardyan.


  • Tweak! Don’t allowed to access in direct files.
  • New! Added translate: Danish (da_DK) – Thanks to Morten Dalgaard Johansen


  • New! Record when widgets change orders.


  • New! Save more Options:
  • Əsas
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Discussion
  • Media
  • Daimi bağlantılar


  • New! filter for disable erase all the log
  • Bugs fixed


  • Added Screen Options
  • New! Ability to select a number of activity items per page
  • New! Columns are now sortable
  • Added filter by date – All Time, Today, Yesterday, Week, Month
  • Added Avatar to author
  • Added role for author
  • Added log for activeted theme
  • Re-order Culoumns
  • Compatible up to 3.8.1
  • Settings page is now accessible directly from Activity Log’s menu
  • Keep your log for any time your wants
  • Delete Log Activities from Database.
  • Bugs fixed



  • Added ‘view_all_aryo_activity_log’ user capability (topic).


  • Added WooCommerce integration (very basic).
  • Added Settings link in plugins page.


  • Fix – Make sure no save double lines (menu taxonomy / post).


  • Added Taxonomy type (created, updated, deleted).


  • Added Multisite compatibility.
  • Added Options hooks (limit list, you can extend by simple filter).
  • Added Menu hooks.
  • Tweak – Ensure no duplicate logs..


  • Forget remove old .pot file


  • Added translate: German (de_DE) – Thanks to Robert Harm
  • Added translate: Hebrew (he_IL)
  • Plugin name instead of file name on activation/deactivation
  • New Hooks:
  • A widget is being deleted from a sidebar
  • A plugin is being changed
  • Theme Customizer (Thanks to Ohad Raz)


  • Blastoff!