Spam Master


Spam Master is a Free, Real-Time Firewall and anti-spam protection from millions of known spam emails, domains, ip’s and words by blocking user registrations, comments, contact forms, etc. Spam Master uses RBL technology (real time block lists) constantly being updated to stop spam.

Spam Master is currently compatible with all major plugins: WooCommerce, BuddyPress, Easy Digital Downloads, JetPack, bbPress, Contact Form 7, Contact Form by WPForms, Ninja Forms, Gravity Forms, MailChimp, Formidable forms, S2Member, MailPoet, wpDiscuz, ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign, etc. Spam Master is also compatible with any modification or customization done to WordPress registrations, comments, contact forms and themes.

Makes no use of Javascript or Ajax to keep your website fast and conflicts free.

Fast loading, Spam Master is modular… it only loads what is needed to keep your website secure and clean.

Spam Features

  • Anti-spam Firewall
  • Anti-bots Firewall
  • Anti-crawlers Firewall
  • Anti-flood Firewall
  • Protects Registrations from (spamming bots, users or both)
  • Protects Comments from (spamming bots, users or both)
  • Protects Pages and Posts from malicious trackbacks (spamming bots, users or both)
  • Contact Form 7 Ready. Uses pro-active scan of your email contact form before triggering any mail function
  • Woocommerce Ready. Eliminates all credit card fraud by preventing known sources of spam from registering via woocommerce registration. It also includes wooommerce spam signatures.
  • Marks as spam comments wrongly cleared as safe by akismet, check screenshots
  • Checks for emails, domains, ip’s, ip ranges and spam words
  • Uses real time scan from millions of known spamming sources (effectively blocks those nasty hotmail, live, msn and outlook registrations)
  • Professional logging of all actions regarding security
  • Includes Analytics, Statistical information to keep your life easy
  • Allows whitelist emails and ip’s to be exempt from spam checks
  • Allows customization of the frontend block message
  • Allows you to hide the website field from your theme comments form
  • Includes Character Blocking. Option to individually activate cyrillic, chinese, asian, arabic characters, immediately blocks comments or contact form 7 messages that use these characters
  • Includes Honeypot fields for registration, login or comments forms
  • Includes Firewall technology, blocking misfits before they even enter your website
  • Includes Spam Signatures
  • Includes automatic Threat Alert Level, it’s an easy and interactive way for you to know if your website is being targeted by spammers and the level of intensity or danger of this targeting
  • Includes Spam Activity Probability, in conjunction with the Alert Level, Spam Master advanced detection heuristic analytics will provide you with an approximated percentage of all activity in your website
  • Includes a bunch of useful widgets and safe website seal for commerce and sales
  • Includes several optional email reports and warnings to keep you informed
  • PHP 7 ready
  • IPv6 ready

Real Time Block Lists

Spam Master scans logins, registrations, comments and contacts via online real time block lists with millions of threats already listed and constantly being maintained and updated.

Website Firewall HAF

Spam Master blocks malicious activity before it even reaches your website or admin pages. Spam Master implements a new concept called High Availability Firewall that protects your website against dangerous exploits like HTTP and HTTPS DDoS (denial-of-service), SQL injections, brute force attacks and many others threats.

Spam Buffer

Buffer technology greatly reduces server resources like cpu, memory and bandwidth by doing fast local machine checks. Also prevents major attacks like flooding, DoS , etc. via Spam Master Firewall.

Whitelist Exemptions

Spam Buffer Whitelisting excludes spam checks from safe Emails or Ip’s, it also removes these safe Emails and Ip’s from your local Spam Buffer.


Spam Master is a powerful anti-bot shield that easily detects and blocks robotic spam form submissions via real time bot checks. It also detects pesky robots running on browser macros, addons and extensions, headless browsers and browsers without javascript, sessions or cookies.

Administrator Pages Protection

Spam Master blocks DOS resulting from brute force attacks or sql injections trying to login or search for admin passwords.

What is Spam Master Learning?

The module comes packed with automated Spam Learning function that will make your website a fighting spam enforcer by providing registration ip’s and emails for analysis and spam lists inclusion.

What is Spam Master Alert Level?

It’s an easy and interactive way for you to know if your website is being targeted by spammers and the level of intensity or danger of this targeting. The update is done daily and automatically via RBL (real-time blacklist) servers sync. The alert levels range from 0 (low) to 3 (high) intensities.

Spam Probability?

Spam Master includes Spam Activity Probability, in conjunction with Alert Level, Spam Master advanced detection heuristic analytics will provide you with an approximated percentage of all spam activity in your website.

Honeypot & Honeypot Version 2

Spam Master includes TechGasp technology Honeypot Version 2 a new concept of “smart dynamic input fields” that adapt and check for things like javascript, sessions and cookies alongside the traditional honeypot traps set to detect, deflect, and counteract attempts at unauthorized use of your website, a honeypot consists of data that appears to be a legitimate part of the site, but is actually isolated and monitored, and that seems to contain information or a resource of value to attackers, who are then blocked, colloquially known as “baiting” a suspect.

Annoying CAPTCHA free anti spam

Spam Master stops spam bots without user annoying CAPTCHA, reCaptcha, counts, puzzles and or any other question answer system. It improves your visitors satisfaction and browsing experience stopping spam bots at the same time.

Do I need a special Mobile App

If you want browse from your iPhone or Android device no special apps are needed.

Logging & Clean-Up

As good linux freaks we’ve implemented into Spam Master an healthy “obsessive compulsive” logging. Everything related to security gets logged and is accessible via the module Logs & Statistics page. On the other hand, in the module Protection Tools page we’ve also implemented full control over all logs retention time to keep your website fast & clean.

Privacy Policy and GDPR

We are an European Union company that fully complies with GDPR. We take a step further as described in our privacy policy, No data is shared with third parties operators.

Spam Master is the first Free Saas spam protection.

You can Generate a Free Server License in the plugin Settings page. This plugin provides a service software as a service wiki.



More High Quality Plugins?

  • For professional wordpress websites
  • Tested for fast page load times and SEO
  • Errors and conflicts free. NO JAVASCRIPT or AJAX
  • Click Here

Snimke zaslona

  • Firewall Page
  • Top Spam Countries - Statistics
  • Stranica postavki
  • Statistics Page
  • Firewall Statistics
  • Firewall Block Page
  • WordPress Registration. Spam Master with re-CAPTCHA plus Honeypot traps
  • Spam Master Marking Comment as SPAM from Registered User, Spam Master marking Comment as SPAM after akismet cleared it
  • Top 10 Threats - Statistics


  1. Use the WordPress Installer, Updater.
  2. Activate in the “Plugins” admin panel.
  3. Visit the “Plugin Page Menu | Spam Master” to configure settings.
  4. Spam Master Documentation


Testing Spam Master

You can test your website spam submission in any form (login, registration, comment, contact form 7, woocommerce, etc.) by using the email [email protected]. Afterwards check the plugin Firewall page.

Is Spam Master effective against spam bots?

Yes by 99.9% using Spam Master RBL Ip list, Bot list and Honeypot Version 2.

What’s Spam Master High Availability Firewall or HAF?

The High Availability Firewall is a new concept to drastically improve your server resources like CPU, Ram Memory, Disk Space (io read/writes). At the same time HAF improves response times by reducing your bandwidth.
All this work is done by HAF blocking nasty bots, spam attempts and exploits like SQL injections and DOS.

What’s Spam Master Honeypot Version 2 technology?

A new concept of “smart dynamic input fields” that adapt and check for things like javascript, sessions and cookies alongside the traditional honeypot traps set to detect, deflect, and counteract attempts at unauthorized use of your website, a honeypot consists of data that appears to be a legitimate part of the site, but is actually isolated and monitored, and that seems to contain information or a resource of value to attackers, who are then blocked, colloquially known as “baiting” a suspect.

How do I get a Spam Master Free License?

Upon plugin installation click Generate Free License. You may also get a Free License in

Malfunction 3 when generating a free license

This usually occurs because of your server php version. If that’s the case you can login and get a free license.

Unstable Connection

If you are connecting to the Free server cluster you might, hopefully not, get an occasional Unstable Connection. We apologize for that, there’s probably a high demand of spam check requests to our free servers. We monthly pull out personal resources to invest in our free server cluster, sometimes they are short. To fix this click the Re-Sync button.

How do I check Spam Master Free Server Cluster status

You can check our server statistics with the following link FREE RBL Cluster Status.

Proxy Cache Control

If your server is behind a proxy you can activate Cache Control:no-cache for firewall redirects in Spam Master Tools page. Default is Off.

AMP content publishing

If you are using AMP you can activate AMP Check in Spam Master Tools page.

Privacy Policy and GDPR

We are an European Union company that fully complies with GDPR. We take a step further as described in our privacy policy, the collected data is not shared with third party operators. RBL Databases

Spam Master munches, feeds and grows on spam ips, emails, domains and words. Join one of the top 5 world-wide, real-time online spam checking databases.

Saas Service

Spam Master is the first Saas with real-time checks provided free (with free license). This service implies high demand, heavy duty server connections.

Is there a Pro License

Yes, Pro License is optional and it costs peanuts, $8 year License. Pro license allows connections to our Premium Primary and Secondary server clusters with impressive connection times.

Support, Contact and Help

You can contact us and get support in the plugin Support page. Just make sure you insert a valid email so we can respond you.
You can also take a look at Spam Master Documentation


31. siječnja 2021.
So far, I have been using this plugin on my main website for over a week, and it seems to work great. This week, I installed it on 30+ of my other websites and I will see how it goes! Thank You!!
26. svibnja 2020.
It is really useless: a.) There are still a lot of spam registrations on my site - b.) In addition, it blocks some real registrations. No need to pay a subscription for this.
19. svibnja 2019.
Even in trial it does not work properly, but after trial period our site got bombarded with porn spam. Totally useless and I hate your half window size "expired trial" warning.
05. travnja 2019.
Not professional at all! While they offer a "free" trial (which you can only find out about by reading the wordy description trying to sell you on it but showing no price, almost all the way to the bottom!), it's not really free, because you have to give them your email to register before you can even use it. no thanks. I get enough spam. If you are dumb enough to go to their site to see what the price is, good luck finding it in the wordier page the link takes you to. There are buttons to buy it, but no prices at all. So click on the button and find it is 9 Euros for 1 site license. 2-5 sites is 31 Euros, and even though there is a button on the main page for unlimited sites, there is no price nor option for such. btw, on their site they have a shortcode showing, so that gives you an idea of how good their coding is.... "[purchase_link id=”11490″ text=”Add to Cart” style=”button” color=”orange”]"
27. svibnja 2018.
The plugin works like a charm and is the only one which I found which works seamlessly with AMP (AMPforWP with the Comments and the Contact Form 7 Extensions) and can be used compatibly with the European data protection laws (GDPR). In detail: 1) It works. The plugin actually blocks off spam from my site. 2) Registration - you have to obtain an API key from the website in order to get access, and register the API key in the settings. The pre-delivered API key which appears in the settings right after installation does not work and produces a "level 3" error. In order to register correctly, clear your cache before and after registering the correct API key. 3) What the plugin actually does is to allow some settings and provide access to third party tools, namely a real-time blocking list, and inserts (if set in the settings) Google reCAPTCHA. So, in that respect, it is quite comparable to Akismet, which also does not process content on-site, but remotely in order to determine whether something is malicious. It goes further than Akismet, as it also contains a firewall function and allows to block submissions with Chinese, Arabic, or Cyrillic characters. It also allows to define a number of seconds during which the page has to be loaded before a comment can be submitted. 4) The plugin indeed does not insert any javascript or Ajax, so it can hardly be recognized in code when activated (it sets a footprint by inserting "Website Protected by Spam Master" into the commentary form. Of course, this can be erased by modifying the code of the plugin. 5) Because the plugin does not insert HTML, javascript or Ajax, it is compatible to the AMP plugin AMPforWP (I did not test it with others), without producing code which is not AMP-compatible; different to the plugins "Honeypot for Contact Forms 7" or "Antispam Bee", which cannot be used on AMP without producing page output which is not AMP compatible or produces a form with a field titled "Leave this field blank" on AMP pages. 6) For those who are located in the EU or otherwise data protection aware: It is true that data are transferred to a company called Techgasp, but this company is located in Portugal and thus in the EU. Therefore, all the complicated requirements which have to be met when transferring data into the USA (privacy shield "membership" of the company the data are transferred to and/or Standard Contractual Clauses) are not necessary. As the data are not forwarded for "processing on behalf of a controller" (processing is not done on instruction), an explicit agreement under Article 28 GDPR is not required (my legal opinion). 7) I do not see why it is subject to criticism that a small sum (for European dimensions) has to be annually paid for access to the databases. The plugin enables access to those databases for processing. A PayPal plugin enables access to services of PayPal (which are not free), and the Akismet plugin enables access to the Akismet services, which are also not free (in many cases). 8) If anything seems to fail, clear your cache first. 9) I am not affiliated or otherwise connected to the plugin author or his company. In addition: Suggestion for the privacy statement Processing of Form Entries by a Third Party for Spam Prevention Data which are entered into forms on this website, as well as the IP address, from which those data are transmitted to this website, are transmitted partly or in whole to Tangente da Sabedoria, Unipessoal Lda., Rua Cova da Castelhana, Viv Maria Adelaide, 2765-408 Estoril, Portugal, hereafter called: "Techgasp". Purpose of the processing is to prevent spam to be displayed or received. Spam are unwanted, mostly automatically created bulk messages with unrelated marketing or other unsuitable content. Legal basis for the processing is Article 6 Section 1 Sentence 1 lit. f of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. The legitimate interest which is pursued by this processing is enabling the automated operation of the website, from which spam can only be kept away with unbearable efforts when not using automated checks, as well as avoiding an unbearable load of the inbox which is used for for contact requests submitted through the contact forms on this website. Techgasp use the data under their own responsibility and, according to their statements, not for sale to third parties, but only for the provision of own technical services, for meeting legal requirements, to enhance own services, and to protect own rights. As soon as the data are not required any more for those purposes, Techgasp delete them, according to their statements. Further details can be taken from the privacy notice of Techgasp (provide a link). I also included a statement on automated decision-making in my privacy policy. Automated decision-making is enabled on this website within the context of the functions to submit user comments and for submissions in contact forms. An automated filtering system will check comments and messages received for typical features of spam (unwanted, mostly automatically created bulk messages with unrelated marketing or other unsuitable content). The corresponding filter techniques are explained here [insert a link to the page explaining the plugin]. The scope of the use of the system and the intended impact on the data subject is that it might prevent them from posting a comment on the website or from communicating via the contact form, and that this automated decision will be stored together with the commentary data or comment form data (user input, IP address) and be used for future automatic decision-making in connection with the publication of user comments or the approval of the use of the contact form. The blockage of individual user comments, which is deliberately caused by the use of this procedure, would take away a possibility of publicly expressing an opinion; however, except for special cases, no one has an enforceable right to publish his or her opinion exactly on this website. Blocking the use of the contact form would prevent the use of this feature, but would not affect the possibility to contact the provider of this website through other means, such as e-mail or mail, and thus would not remove the possibility of contacting the provider at all.
06. studenoga 2018.
Poor Support. Confusing registration. I paid 2 weeks ago and still don't have the registration working. No one replied to my last email. No they don't provide Professional Priority support. Wish I'd gone with another company. Too difficult and not enough help.Also doesn't work - I still have over 7000 pages of spam. I will not register again!
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“Spam Master” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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  • Modifying firewall to accommodate new user set firewall page
  • Modifying flood based on cron
  • Modifying whitelisting experience rules
  • New uninstall options
  • Clean-up of flush rewrite rules
  • Speed improvement


  • Adding Total buffer to reporting
  • Adding Total white to reporting
  • Adding Total logs to reporting
  • Adding new server flood receiver and reporting page


  • Removing threshold 12H to be removed after clean-up
  • Fixing Warning: setcookie() expects parameter 3 to be integer. Please update your website php to a newer version, required 7.3 plus


  • Tweaking hourly flooding
  • New task threshold 12H to be removed after clean-up 6.6.17


  • Flood per hour goes to buffer if superior to threshold
  • Flood per minute goes to buffer if superior to threshold
  • New task threshold 12H to be removed after clean-up 6.6.17


  • Signatures not being enforced in multi-sites
  • Adding new signatures file
  • Flood per hour goes to buffer
  • Firewall rule added to valid


  • Accommodate sites with badly constructed URIs on login pages
  • Flood cache reduced to 1 hour
  • Readme clean up


  • Adding LogContoller in HAF function
  • Adding LogController in Honeypot function
  • Adding Flood Controller in Flood function
  • Changing flood db call to spamtype
  • Fixing missing avatar in dismissal function
  • Tweaking Asian scan char function


  • Changing descriptions in Settings page
  • Adding totla block count card in settings page
  • Checking if is_user_logged_in during HAF
  • Tweaking wp login flood functions


  • Adding help labels to Settings bubble page
  • Adding transfer email help text to Settings page
  • Cleaning menu legacy links
  • Increasing flood rate blocks
  • Fixing multi-sites settings page accessibility
  • Fixing path in dismissal notice
  • Adding link decor to most admin links
  • Fixing courtesy links display page


  • Cleaning unused controller calls in HAF
  • Re-designing Flood Controller process
  • Fixing missing flood trigger in HAF
  • Better description for actions.


  • New option to deactivate firewall spam buffer checks, redirect and exit. This is done via key configuration in
  • Changing loading order to 0 in Cache-control function
  • Removing from Cache-control pre/post-check and pragma options since they are not necessary in new browsers
  • Smaller footprint by removing the plugin menu and 5 sub-menus from root and moving the plugin settings page inside wordpress native Settings menu
  • Changing top bar menu default startup display to OFF for smaller footprint. This key option can be controlled ON/OFF via key configuration in
  • Fixing warning spam_master_stats_subject_title in weekly reports
  • Fixing warning spam_master_stats_header in weekly reports
  • Fixing warning spam_master_stats_body in weekly reports
  • Fixing warning spam_master_stats_table_header in weekly reports
  • Fixing warning spam_master_stats_table_body in weekly reports
  • Fixing warning spam_master_stats_table_content in weekly reports
  • Fixing warning spam_master_stats_table_content_close in weekly reports
  • Fixing warning spam_master_stats_table_footer_start in weekly reports
  • Fixing warning spam_master_stats_table_footer_content in weekly reports
  • Fixing warning spam_master_stats_email_close in weekly reports


  • Fixing notice in elusive controller
  • Changing email buffer insertion to positive registrations


  • Fixing HAF on emails scan. Stop buffer insertion on non verifiable emails
  • Fixing controllers
  • Running db update


  • Check for data before inserting, no duplicates
  • Get secure via https user info
  • Fixing Registration email not being capture in some instances
  • Fixing report function and missing option
  • Better description in success message endpoint
  • Removing Cache deletion from Tools page since it can be done online
  • Fixing Notice of missing option
  • Changing online description in Settings page
  • Fixing missing email in Support page
  • Fixing missing menu statuses
  • Tuning HAF firewall
  • Making sure emails are exempt from checks if whitelisted
  • Cleaning legacy images
  • Shortening spaces in Support page
  • Removing Action Controller from checks


  • Adding more report labels
  • Adding system action
  • Adding administrator interaction with HAF


  • Changing localhost ip
  • Changing reporting key
  • Removing legacy Log controller calls
  • Flushing Buffer Cache
  • New uninstall options


  • Implementing db hash
  • Better reports creation
  • Improved Tools management
  • Increasing flood per minute count number and better admin exemption
  • Better reporting for whitelisting
  • More user help functions
  • New uninstall options


  • This is a clean-up and tune release
  • For stability Honeypot, Registration, Commentand Contact Form scan functions were disabled for version 6.6.0 update and are now being re-instated in version 6.6.1 since everything is smooth and stable.
  • Improving Honeypot function
  • Improving Registration function
  • Improving Comment function
  • Improving Contact Form function
  • Improving Integration functions
  • Dropping legacy db columns and re-ordering them
  • Removing google captcha support since it’s overkill and no longer necessary


  • Implementing High Availability Firewall aka HAF.
  • New table structure with huge speed boost increase
  • Single and simpler DB calls with just 1 smaller table
  • Better multi-sites compatibility
  • Moving all plugin options to plugin table, (faster checks, cleaner uninstalls). Please check the Tools page and verify if custom settings were imported correctly
  • Moving blocked message from Settings page to Tools page


  • Implementing new database structure
  • Adding new spam buffer / threats database
  • Adding new plugin page to manage spam buffer / threats
  • Adding new transients database
  • Adding new plugin page to manage transients
  • Adding new whitelist exemption database
  • Adding new plugin page to manage whitelist exemption
  • Adding new plugin analytics page to manage Statistics, Firewall, Registrations, Comments and Logs
  • Database calls restructure
  • New install / uninstall options
  • Combining and reducing crons
  • Fixing spam_master_cache_proxie warning
  • Adding Spam Buffer check to Contact Form 7
  • Adding daily automatic clean-up to Registrations Logs (by month) to Protection Tools page – Clean-up
  • Adding daily automatic clean-up to Comments Logs (by month) to Protection Tools page – Clean-up
  • Adding daily automatic clean-up to Contact-Form 7 Logs (by month) to Protection Tools page – Clean-up
  • Adding daily automatic clean-up to Woocomerce Logs (by month) to Protection Tools page – Clean-up
  • Adding daily automatic clean-up to System Logs (by month) to Protection Tools page – Clean-up
  • API improvements
  • PHP 7.7 Ready!
  • New plugin paths
  • New protection Lists
  • Extra Protection Tools
  • Adding daily automatic clean-up
  • Version 6.0.0 contained 9 releases (6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2, 6.0.3, 6.0.4, 6.0.5, 6.0.6, 6.0.7, 6.0.8, 6.0.9).
  • Version 6.1.0 contained 9 releases (6.1.0, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5, 6.1.6, 6.1.7, 6.1.8, 6.1.9).
  • Version 6.2.0 contained 10 releases (6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4, 6.2.5, 6.2.6, 6.2.7, 6.2.8, 6.2.9).
  • Version 6.3.0 contained 8 releases (6.3.0, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3, 6.3.4, 6.3.5, 6.3.6, 6.3.7).
  • Version 6.5.0 contained 2 releases (6.5.0, 6.5.1).
  • For more info please check the change log online.


  • Version 5.0 contained 4 releases (5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.0.3).
  • Version 5.1 contained 11 releases (5.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.1.5, 5.1.6, 5.1.7, 5.1.8, 5.1.9, 5.1.10, 5.1.11).
  • Version 5.2 contained 10 releases (5.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.5, 5.2.6, 5.2.7, 5.2.8, 5.2.9).
  • Version 5.3 contained 9 releases (5.3, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.5, 5.3.6, 5.3.7, 5.3.8, 5.3.9, 5.3.10).
  • Version 5.4 contained 10 releases (5.4.0, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 5.4.4, 5.4.5, 5.4.6, 5.4.7, 5.4.8, 5.4.9).
  • Version 5.5 contained 10 releases (5.5.0, 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.5.3, 5.5.4, 5.5.5, 5.5.6, 5.5.7, 5.5.8, 5.5.9).
  • Version 5.6 contained 10 releases (5.6.0, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.6.3, 5.6.4, 5.6.5, 5.6.6, 5.6.7, 5.6.8, 5.6.9).
  • For more info please check the changelog online.


  • Version 4 contained 27 releases (4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.3, 4.3.1, 4.3.5, 4.3.6,,,,,, 4.4.0,,,,,,,,, 4.4.4, 4.4.5).
  • For more info please check the changelog online.


  • Version 3 contained 1 releases (3.0). For more info please check the changelog online.
  • TechGasp Framework V2 Implementation


  • Version 2 contained 5 releases (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.4.5).
  • For more info please check the changelog online.


  • Alpha release
  • Adding Buttons
  • Start coding