
Kapersky Anti Ransomware Tool For Home will not install in Windows 10

  • 25 October 2021
  • 9 replies

It is the free version 5.0. I get “sorry something went wrong. Please contact technical support.” This is my only option for Technical Support. Please advise.

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

@JoshuaM Welcome.

Can you find any error message in your Windows Event Viewer ?

Unfortunately Technical Support Service is not available for KART Home free.



Can you find any error message in your Windows Event Viewer ?

Unfortunately Technical Support Service is not available for KART Home free.


Product: Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Home -- Error 27300. msierr Drvinst Failed To Install Driver

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

@JoshuaM Please see this Kaspersky Support Article :


I found that article prior to your post, actually. It suggests that Avast is incompatible. However, Avast has Trojans in Quarantine.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

@JoshuaM Kaspersky Security Cloud free is another option ?

I might just try something else, thanks. The regular antivirus did not find anything. I am trying to find out why my cursor keeps moving by itself and opening and closing things. Avast found a trojan that did that and quarantined it. Then a while later, it happened again. From my understanding, Kapersky Security Cloud Free only is antivirus.

Userlevel 7
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For a second opinion you could try the  Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool (Free & No install).

I tried that, but it only found that I have an old installation file for zone alarm, which it wants me to delete. I’m not sure if there is alternative to deleting zone alarm and avast, then finding whatever exploit I have since kapersky doesn’t seem to help? I looked up what ransomware is, and apparently it is malware that holds systems or something on them hostage for a fee. What I have is something hidden that allows programs and folders to be opened and somebody to close tabs on my browser, change folders in my email on my browser. They can do anything they want with my cursor, even click on things. Avast is no longer finding things, and malware bytes didn’t in safe mode. I’m wondering if I should again run avast in boot scan. Kapersky was run and antivirus scanned boot sector and startup area and the hard disk. Nothing was found. Something may be hidden, or someone is hacking to annoy me. However, they appeared to open some private files and view them. But I wonder if they actually view anything or just this is some Trojan that is hidden and randomly moves around and clicks things. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +9


To remove left-overs from third-party applications  please   see this :
For ZA please run “ZoneAlarm Uninstall” utility.


Please search for any suspicious remote application  with :
Task Manager / MSconfig / RevoUnsinstaller  ?

