Juicer: Show all your social media posts in a beautiful feed.


Juicer is a service that allows you to enter in the name of your social media accounts (or, if you prefer, hashtags) and Juicer will automatically pull the posts from these feeds and embed them into any of your pages with an easy shortcode. Juicer will automatically update these feeds whenever you create posts for your social media accounts.

To use this plugin you must create an account on http://www.juicer.io. Then you must create a feed and add social media sources to it.


  • A beautiful social media feed of your social media content from basically networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google Plus, Tumblr, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vine, RSS, Spotify, Slack, LinkedIn, Flickr, Vimeo, Hashtags, Yelp and DeviantArt.
  • Gather your content by @username or #hashtag
  • Setup rules & filters to automatically eliminate unwanted content retweets and duplicate posts.
  • Moderate and remove your social media content with one click.
  • Permalinks to each of your social media posts, optimized for SEO.
  • Responsive grid for dynamic layouts.
  • Infinite scroll: load more content simply by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
  • Auto-approve all your user generated content, or set up auto-moderation filters.
  • Custom CSS: Style it to fit your brand or site.
  • Advanced Analytics: Find out who uses your social feed, and how they interact with it.

Visit http://www.juicer.io for more information


  • An example Juicer Feed using a provided template
  • A Juicer feed with custom CSS
  • The Juicer Dashboard Edit with all the functionality you are able to use.


Download the plugin zip file, unzip it, and upload it to your wordpress site under the /wp-includes/plugins directory.

Sign up via http://www.juicer.io and create a feed for free

One you’ve done that you can use the shortcode: [juicer name='YOUR_FEED_NAME'] in any post or page

To get your Juicer feed name:

  • Sign into your account on http://www.juicer.io
  • Navigate to http://www.juicer.io/feeds
  • Click “Edit” on the feed you wish to embed
  • You should be taken to a url like http://www.juicer.io/feeds/juicer
  • The ‘juicer’ portion of the url is your feed name.
  • To use a shortcode for the embed feed try [juicer name='juicer']
  • Make sure you replace the name above with your feeds name.

Alternately, you can add the feed to your template directly if you like using PHP. Here’s an example: <?php juicer_feed('name=juicer'); ?>

Advanced Usage

There are a few more parameters you can add to your shortcode / php function that will allow you to limit the number of posts that show up:

peris the number of posts you want to show up on a page. Default is 100

pages is the number of times you want the feed to add more posts as you scroll (This is known as infinite scroll). By default there is no limit to the number of pages, it will keep going until you've seen all the posts in your feed. If you only want it to add more posts once as you scroll set this to "2" for example.

So if you wanted your feed to only ever display 15 posts you should do something like this:

[juicer name='YOUR_FEED_NAME' per='15' pages='1']


<?php juicer_feed('name=juicer&per=15&pages=1'); ?>

This will show 15 posts, and ensure that your feed doesn’t load any posts beyond the first page.


What is Juicer?

Juicer is a service that allows you to create an embeddable feed of all your social media accounts. It’s great for increasing brand awareness and engagment and for providing fresh and interesting content for your website with very little work. It auto updates every day, pulling in any new posts, so your feed will always be fresh with your latest social media posts.

How much does it cost?

Juicer is free forever. No really! There is a paid account that gives you added features like adding more social media accounts, creating multiple feeds and getting detailed social analytics. But if you just want a feed for your website, it’s free forever!

I only want a few posts showing up, not a huge feed!

Not a problem! There’s a few different ways we can handle this:

Use our widget: Log on to your Juicer account and click on “Edit” for your feed. Then click on “Feed Settings” and change your “Feed Style” to “Widget”. This specific style shows just a single post at a time, and slides through them. It’s simple and beautiful and perfect for putting in a sidebar or a footer, without taking up as much room as a normal juicer feed.

Limit the number of posts: If you want to use a normal Juicer feed, but you don’t want it to be super long there are some additional attributes you can pass into the short code or function per and pages:

per is the number of posts you want to show up on a page. Default is 100

pages is the number of times you want the feed to add more posts as you scroll (This is known as infinite scroll). By default there is no limit to the number of pages, it will keep going until you've seen all the posts in your feed. If you only want it to add more posts once as you scroll set this to "2" for example.

So if you wanted your feed to only ever display 15 posts you should do something like this:

[juicer name='YOUR_FEED_NAME' per='15' pages='1']


<?php juicer_feed('name=juicer&per=15&pages=1'); ?>

This will show 15 posts, and ensure that your feed doesn’t load any posts beyond the first page.

Make sense? If not, Contact Us and we’ll help you out.

It’s not working for me!

Sorry to hear that! Give us a shout on our Contact Page and we’ll help you out!

Make sure that if your site has jQuery it is using at least version 1.7

Make sure that all Javascript errors are resolved.


January 29, 2018
I do love this app, but am dubious about how much I have to pay per month when I'm just using it as a snazzy portfolio on my site. As gorgeous as it is, i would like to see more customization options, especially with maybe clicking on posts open up the original post, having to click on the tiny 'likes' is awkward. That would make me much happier with the amount im paying for this thing lol.
October 23, 2017
Thank you! It really works easily, no API hassle needed in Facebook and also Instagram feed easy as nothing! I hope this keeps going on! Definitelly a five star plugin!
June 12, 2017
okay plugin but requires a lot of steps to use (have to register on their site to set it up). and while the free version is limited (which is fine) it contains an obnoxious amount of juicer advertisements making it completely unusable. I would consider purchasing if i could actual use the free version and test it out but because of all the public advertisements it's a complete waste of time
Read all 18 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Juicer: Show all your social media posts in a beautiful feed.” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Update WordPress version compatibility


  • Compatibility with 1.9


  • Make it so if people enter data- attributes in shortcode they will still work.


  • Fixing closing

tag on paid accounts


  • Check for existance of key in args array


  • Don’t show Juicer Branding for paid users


  • Map attributes better, clean up code, support older versions of php


  • Dynamically generating


ul> based on passed in attributes.


  • Adding “after” callback


  • Fixing bug with infinite scroll


  • Making sure shortcode returns at proper place in page.


  • Bug fix


  • Making sure Juicer Scripts get called at the top of the head


  • No longer need to specify number of columns. Instead control this in your http://www.juicer.io feed editor.


  • Embed js no longer includes jQuery, instead it is enqueued into the theme by wordpress.


  • Fixing bug in juicer_feed php function


  • Updating default feed


  • Initial Version