Page data
Keywords open data, climate change
SDG Sustainable Development Goals SDG13 Climate action
Authors Shannon Dosemagen
Emilio Velis
Published 2021
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Impact Number of views to this page. Views by admins and bots are not counted. Multiple views during the same session are counted as one. 235
OpenClimate call #01

This is the first OpenClimate community call:

  • What is the *thing* that the Open movement can contribute to solving the Climate Crisis?
  • Where do you go to find solutions/information about how to solve some of these problems?
  • How do you close the information gap?

Facilitator: Evelin Heidel Presenters: Emilio Velis, Appropedia (slides); Tjark Döring & Tobias Augspurger from Open Sustainable Technology.



  • What is the *thing* that the Open movement can contribute to solving the Climate Crisis?
  • Where do you go to find solutions/information about how to solve some of these problems?
  • How do you close the information gap?