Support » Plugin: Elementor Website Builder » Has become indispensible

  • Elementor Pro has become an indispensable tool for building websites – with a lightweight theme like Hello Elementor and Elementor Pro, I now build full websites without writing any PHP. The process is so much faster and more enjoyable. Clients love the ability to edit everything on their site, including theme templates. And I appreciate the ability to iterate on designs so much more quickly – building sites is now even simpler than mocking them up in UX designs so I generally skip several steps we used to take (UI/UX mockups and approval process, PHP programming, etc) and just immediately start generating sites in Elementor for clients to review. If they don’t approve one design, just take their feedback and generate a new one for review. Upon approval, the thing is there – ready for more pages to be generated to fill out the site.
    Some special care needs to be taken with caching and image optimization to ensure a good performance score, but I still get sites to perform in the 80s when inspected with Google Lighthouse.

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