Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.



  • Plugin link: Mustavatar
  • Plugin version: 1.0
  • Requires at least: WordPress 3.0
  • Tested up to: WordPress 3.3-aortic-dissection
  • Last updated: October 3, 2011
  • Rating: 0/5
  • Downloads: 0 Download ZIP
  • Donate With Bitcoin

Do you ever wish your WordPress site was just a little more manly? Don’t you
think a nice thick mustache would suit your site? Mustavatar will man-up
your site by adding a mustache on any faces it can find in your avatars.
Author bios, comments, any place where standard avatars are used will get a
lovely thick handlebar ‘stache. Man it up with Mustavatar!


  • Add a settings screen.
  • Allow control of Mustavatar on a per-post basis,
  • Allow specified posts/pages to be excepted from mustachification.



  • First version, code-name “5 o’clock shadow”


Do you have a Gravatar with a human face in it? Post a comment to see your mustachified image! Or, just check out the examples below…

Original Style 0 Style 1 Style 2

Note: this site will typically be running a development version of the plugin, which may have features not included in the released stable version.

About Dougal Campbell

Dougal is a web developer, and a "Developer Emeritus" for the WordPress platform. When he's not coding PHP, Perl, CSS, JavaScript, or whatnot, he spends time with his wife, three children, a dog, and a cat in their Atlanta area home.
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11 Responses to Mustavatar

  1. Doug Stewart says:

    What about those of us who are already facially hirsute?

    • Dougal says:

      If the mustachify service can recognize a face, it will attempt to put on its own facial improvements, regardless of any pre-existing mustache, beard, soul-patch, sideburns, muttonchops, etc.

      Unfortunately, your avatar seems to be too low-contrast for it to work…

  2. Doug Stewart says:

    Does this work with BuddyPress? I can’t confirm such…

    • Dougal says:

      It will work with anything that uses the ‘get_avatar’ filter underneath. I assume that would be true for BuddyPress, but I have not confirmed it for myself.

  3. Doug Stewart says:

    You need another mode: Selleck.

    • Dougal says:

      Currently, these are the the only mustache styles supported by the webservice. I might consider running my own server and adding new styles, though.

  4. Dougal says:

    Upcoming feature: Mustache style selection modes

    • Force all to use the same style (with 3 styles to choose from)
    • Random
    • Sticky mode — more-or-less random selection for each person, but a given person should consistently use the same style
  5. vince8585 says:


    Can you tell me how you made your “about the author” card ?? is this a plugin or what ?

    I like it !!!

    Thx a lot (for fancybox)

  6. It’s something I coded into my theme’s templates (pages and single-posts). You can see the code here:

  7. vince8585 says:

    thx a lot ! 🙂

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