
  1. Photo
    CreditAJ Dungo

    An Artist Describes His Brother's Struggle

    After being diagnosed with schizophrenia, O.C.D., Tourettes and more conditions, society has deemed AJ Dungo’s brother mentally ill. But Mr. Dungo prefers some other labels.


    1. Photo
      CreditGetty Images

      The Best Workout for Middle-Aged Bodies

      Research shows that becoming fit in middle age will give you more years of good health — and the most effective exercise for a middle-aged body can be easier and faster than you might think.


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      CreditSergiy Maidukov

      How to Fend Off Winter Depression

      As the days get shorter and the nights start earlier, take these steps to help prevent seasonal affective disorder.


  1. Adolescence

    CreditNicole Morrison for The New York Times

    How to Talk to Teens About Edibles

    Pot brownies and colorful gummies may look harmless and can be easy to hide, but it’s important for caregivers to help adolescents understand the risks.


Ask Well

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    CreditAileen Son for The New York Times

    Do I Still Need a Pulse Oximeter?

    A new study shows just how lifesaving home monitoring of oxygen levels can be.


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    CreditAileen Son for The New York Times

    Can Drinking Alcohol Raise Your Heart Rate?

    Drinking can elevate your pulse, which isn’t a concern for most healthy adults, though those with heart rhythm problems should use caution.


The Well Newsletter

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    CreditGetty Images

    What Does the Aspirin News Mean for Me?

    New recommendations about aspirin, heart health and colon cancer have left many people confused. Here’s what you need to know.


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    CreditGetty Images

    When the Doctor’s Notes Hurt Your Feelings

    Are you a “poor historian,” “well nourished” or in need of a “time out”? As patients gain access to their own medical records, the notes left by doctors can sting.


Scam or Not

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  1. Photo
    CreditPeter Dazeley/Getty Images

    Is B.M.I. a Scam?

    It can be a helpful health measure for large groups of people, but it won’t tell you much about yourself.
