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Liittynyt huhtikuu 2009


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  1. Kiinnitetty twiitti
    13. lokak.

    We're thrilled that three pieces were selected to appear in the "Best American" and "The Year's Best Sports Writing" volumes and that five others received a Notable mention. Some congratulations! A thread:

    Näytä tämä ketju
  2. uudelleentwiittasi
    6 tuntia sitten

    Spending more time on and just found this fabulous & joyful piece by -- also, campanologist marmalade might be the Britishest thing I've ever heard of.

  3. 4 tuntia sitten

    "Too often, I think the attention gets sucked up by national magazines or big websites." chats with about curation, sharing the best from city magazines at , and writing for Denver's :

  4. 5 tuntia sitten

    "But what, I wondered, about people living in red America who have embraced immunity? In the national battle over vaccination, their voices have largely been drowned out."

  5. 15 tuntia sitten

    "But now I've been a writer for 30 years, I can understand the impulses that I and he and probably every other writer have: to go after a subject we're compelled by."

  6. 18 tuntia sitten

    "What I do remember about those summer days is this: the world seemed large and incomprehensible. ... The Cedar River, which flooded and receded along the edge of the woods, seemed as wide as the Mississippi."

  7. 23 tuntia sitten

    “'The Harris hawk is the easiest bird in the world to train,' Alvis told me. 'They’re smarter than you are, so they’re going to train you.'”

  8. uudelleentwiittasi
    25. lokak.

    Stumbled across this, this morning -- a good read that becomes great when she gets to the stuff about brackets.

  9. 25. lokak.

    "There’s no question Lamb is a performer, but his calls to citizen action worry experts who see a segment of American law enforcement becoming a power base of its own — one that could further undermine trust in government authority."

  10. 24. lokak.

    "But even if you come for the spectacle, you’ll stay for the surprisingly touching story of how Baron’s became a lighthouse for the Lebanese immigrant community in and around Edmonton." on 's story for :

  11. 24. lokak.

    ". It's no wonder television has come to love fantasy—both are mediums without any set end, mediums that thrive on near endless renewal."

  12. 24. lokak.

    "I began tolerating the persistent durian odor at home by reimagining it as a Covid-19 test: Every day I smelled the durian was another glorious day free from the virus, as my sense of smell was clearly still functioning."

  13. 24. lokak.

    "Rachel wanted to tell me her story to illustrate what can happen when sexism in the classroom goes unaddressed."

  14. 24. lokak.

    "Birds fascinate me," writes . "When I saw ’s piece at , I took a tern for it immediately and I have no egrets." This week's will make you owl:

  15. 24. lokak.

    "The vast majority of the time, Newsham said, people caught with illegal firearms in D.C. — among the country’s hardest cities to legally buy a firearm — face less than a year of incarceration, if any."

  16. 23. lokak.

    Never heard of Westarctica? urges you to dive into 's story — and discover a whole other world.

  17. 23. lokak.

    "But now, with disasters and the needs that follow them increasing, the government finds itself trying to decide what it owes the displaced. How long is truly long enough to shelter the most vulnerable?"

  18. 23. lokak.

    "Nobody knows how many Black people were killed in racist attacks during the Jim Crow era, which began in the late 1800s and lasted until the mid-1960s."

  19. uudelleentwiittasi
    23. lokak.

    "Like people, they [brackets] can be passive-aggressive, even a little catty, as in the case of 𝑠𝑖𝑐, which points to an error in the original text: He says he’s never lonly [sic]. Not my error; that’s someone else’s." via

  20. 23. lokak.

    "His attempts are often futile, scary, and yet unexpectedly endearing." For this week's , recommends 's piece on becoming a census enumerator:

  21. 23. lokak.

    "Hildebrandt’s followers see themselves as an oppressed minority, proverbial Davids up against modern-day Goliaths: Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the World Health Organization."


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