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Translation of Stable Readme (latest release): Japanese

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Check posts, pages & all content for broken links & missing images to improve SEO. Get notified when bad links are found.
Priority: high
投稿や固定ページなどすべてのコンテンツについて、SEO 改善のためにリンク切れや消えた画像をチェックします。問題のあるリンクを発見すると通知します。 Details
Check posts, pages & all content for broken links & missing images to improve SEO. Get notified when bad links are found.

Short description.

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Monitors external links and internal links in your posts, pages, comments, the blogroll, and custom fields (optional). 投稿、固定ページ、コメント、リンク (blogroll) 内の外部リンクと内部リンクを監視します。オプションでカスタムフィールド内も監視できます。 Details
Monitors external links and internal links in your posts, pages, comments, the blogroll, and custom fields (optional).

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Make broken links display differently in posts (optional). 投稿を表示するときリンクエラーの外見を変更できます (オプション)。 Details
Make broken links display differently in posts (optional).

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Prevent search engines from following broken links (optional). 検索エンジンがリンクエラーを避けるようにできます (オプション)。 Details
Prevent search engines from following broken links (optional).

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Fix strict comparison causing db queries
Priority: low
DB クエリを起こしていた厳密な比較を修正 Details
Fix strict comparison causing db queries

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Fix XSS vulnerability
Priority: low
XSS 脆弱性を修正 Details
Fix XSS vulnerability

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Fix deprecated sanitization filter FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING
Priority: low
無害化フィルター FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING が非推奨になったのを修正 Details
Fix deprecated sanitization filter FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING

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Enhance compatibility with WordPress 6.1
Priority: low
WordPress 6.1との互換性 Details
Enhance compatibility with WordPress 6.1

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Updated UA string
Priority: low
UA 文字列を更新 Details
Updated UA string

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Remove donation links and adds
Priority: low
ドネーションリンクと広告を削除 Details
Remove donation links and adds

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Added integration with WP External Links plugin
Priority: low
WP External Links プラグインとの統合を追加 Details
Added integration with WP External Links plugin

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Added compatibility for WP 5.5.
Priority: low
WP 5.5 との互換性を持たせた。 Details
Added compatibility for WP 5.5.

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Added filter to use GET requests. (Thanks to <a href="">Stian Lund</a>)
Priority: low
GET リクエストを使うためのフィルターを追加。(<a href="">Stian Lund</a> の貢献) Details
Added filter to use GET requests. (Thanks to <a href="">Stian Lund</a>)

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Removed usage of depricated WP Snoopy.
Priority: low
非推奨の WP Snoopy を使わないようにした。 Details
Removed usage of depricated WP Snoopy.

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Removed default YouTube API key.
Priority: low
YouTube API キーの既定値を廃止。 Details
Removed default YouTube API key.

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Changes requested
With warnings
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