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Enable HTTP request log shipping


Access to the VIP Dashboard.

AWS S3 bucket requirements

  • Access to an existing AWS S3 bucket. The bucket name and region will be needed for configuration.
  • See the AWS bucket naming rules documentation, and avoid using any character other than lower case letters, numbers, or hyphens in bucket names.
  • Access to create/update the AWS Bucket Policy configuration for the S3 bucket.
  • The S3 bucket must not use KMS encryption. If default encryption is needed, use the SSE-S3 option.

Enable Log Shipping

  1. Navigate to the VIP Dashboard and select the “Settings” panel option at the left.
  2. Below “Add-ons” select “Log Shipping“.
  3. Select the “Configuration” tab.
  4. Enter the “Bucket Name” and “Bucket Region” values for the S3 bucket that will receive the shipped logs from VIP.
  5. Select “Continue“.
  1. Copy the contents of the JSON-formatted “Generated Access Policy” config file. Add the Generated Access Policy content to the S3 bucket by following the instructions for Granting AWS Config access to the Amazon S3 Bucket.
  2. Test Configuration” by selecting “Test and Continue“. A test file named vip-go-test-file.txt will be uploaded to the S3 bucket as part of the verification process. This file will always be present in a site’s configured S3 bucket and path, alongside the dated folders that contain the logs themselves.
  3. If the configuration test was successful, select “Enable Add-on” for log shipping to the S3 bucket to begin.

Disable Log Shipping

  1. Navigate to the VIP Dashboard and select the “Settings” panel option at the left.
  2. Below “Add-ons” select “Log Shipping“.
  3. Select the “Configuration” tab.
  4. Select “Disable Add-on“.

Restricting access by IP range

To restrict access to an AWS S3 bucket via IP range, ensure your bucket access policy accounts for the dynamic IP range accessible at A system to auto-update the access policy will need to be implemented, as the IP ranges are subject to change.

Last updated: September 06, 2021