
New Faces

Posted September 24, 2007 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Development, Meta.

If you follow WordPress development closely you’ve probably noticed a few new faces around lately, or to be more accurate a few old faces who are taking on bigger roles in the community. I would like to take this opportunity to announce and publicly congratulate Mark Jaquith and Peter Westwood who have both become lead developers, the highest development honor on WordPress.org.

Mark Jaquith has been using and contributing to WordPress since 2004. Mark especially enjoys watching people use WordPress to express themselves in areas of the world where free expression is suppressed. But, being a voracious consumer of information, he probably reads your cat blog too.

Peter works as an Embedded Software Engineer developing a web-enabled BMS controller. Using WordPress since version 1.0.1, Peter spends his spare time triaging bugs on Trac and investigating new open source tools. When not at the computer Peter can often be found photographing flowers, animals and cars and listening to a wide variety of music.

See Also:

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