Happy 10th, WordPress, and thanks from my little family

I talked a bit about how I got into WordPress in my CodePoet interview back in January, but what I didn’t say is that my whole family (well, the little one wasn’t born yet) is thankful for our favorite open source software project. My husband uses it for his website and photo blog, and loves being able to update and create his own content. I love that he’s so happy with the iOS app and Quick Photo posting with a dash of IFTTT for Facebook sharing – no Instagram or other non-self-hosted services for us. Our son will benefit from me being at home the majority of the time, as WordPress has allowed me to find a job path where I can work from home and be flexible to accommodate the needs of a family. He also looks dashing in his brand new purple W logo onesie, and has some special light blue ones from his name-twin to look forward to when he gets bigger.

I’m thankful for the friends I have made through the community – people who are infinitely smarter than I am and see things in ways I would never have imagined, and real friends I can get together with and not talk shop with if we don’t want to. I’ve also gotten to travel more than I ever thought I’d want to and am learning to get over bouts of imposter syndrome to say “yes, I am good at what I do, and I’ve earned my place in the world of WordPress”.

So thanks, WordPress, and congratulations on 10 years from the whole Hou+Sandí family 🙂

Happy 10th, WordPress, and thanks from my little family

21 thoughts on “Happy 10th, WordPress, and thanks from my little family

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