Welcome to the next gen Search As A Service

Search over millions of documents, and give to your users unique, amazing and unforgettable experiences.

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  • Type a superhero name, like the joker

  • Type a color, like red

  • Type a collection, like avengers

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What is Apisearch?

Think about your website and the huge amount of items or products your users can find. This is a common action nowadays, and providing results is an important task in terms of conversion and sells. Shouldn't these results be as fast and precise as possible? Apisearch is here to help you.

Apisearch is an open source model-agnostic search engine built on top of Elasticsearch. With all our libraries, you can build the best search experience in your e-commerce, marketplace or website, improving both the way your users understand your business, and the conversion of your visits.

  • 1

    Search as a service

    Deploy Apisearch in your infrastructure or use our Cloud service, and start searching among your items in minutes.

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    Open source

    Almost all the resources distributed by Apisearch are open source licensed. That is our commitment. Zero lock-in.

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    Safe access

    Protect your data on server side by encrypting your private data, by adding authorization layers or by using 100% customizable access tokens


Help your users finding what they need in a way you did never before. Decrease the number of clicks per user.


Multiple sellers in one place? Great. By using campaigns, you'll be able to promote some of them.

Blog & Docs

Searching among all your generated data, including blog posts, documentation items, or even FAQs, can improve your site experience.

Custom website

Apisearch can work with any item type, no matter the domain, the number of fields and the size of them.

Use our cloud service

Do you want to use Apisearch but you don't want to deal with infrastructure? No worry, use our cloud service and pay only for your usage.

Know all the features Apisearch can provide to your business

Apisearch is distributed, by default, with an amazing (and growing) set of features that will give to your website an amazing search experience. All these features are available both in the free and hosted solutions.

Typo tolerance

With Apisearch, no matter if your customers type wrong the word that they are looking for, the system will take care of this to give them the best result.

Multi-language search

Apisearch can work with many different languages, each of them optimized properly to provide you the best search experience.

Multi-language search

Apisearch can work with many different languages, each of them optimized properly to provide you the best search experience.


Let your customers always find what they are searching, no matter if they type a synonym or the exact matching word.


Let your users autocomplete their searches for a more optimal and organic experience

Configurable filters

Configure your filters and aggregations in a very intuitive way.

Highly customizable

Customize your search the way you need, from increasing the number of items per page to the minimum score

Geo search

Your data can be organized by its location. The closest, the first. So you can easily build dynamic map searches or aggregate the results by the place where they come from.

Infinite scroll

Paginate your results or load next page automatically. That's your choice.

High performant

Apisearch is built on top of DriftPHP, a non-blocking, event-driven and asynchronous framework on top of PHP. Requests is less than 200 microseconds.

Token and JWT secured

Secure your indices with a dynamic authorization tokens management, or by using one of the existing plugins, like the JWT one.

Model agnostic

Apisearch work with it's own model, not attached to any external model. That means that you can search among infinite type of items.

CDN ready

You might want to cache some of your service results to speed even more your users experience. Apisearch can work with CDNs properly.

Collect and visualize metrics

Apisearch collects everything that happens inside the server, from the usage of your Api to what your users are actually searching for.

Import and Export your data

You can import and export easily your indices data by using our own format or by using other existing formats, including other Search providers.

Plugins based

Discover our amazing plugins architecture, use one of our distributed ones, or design your own. Any third party integration is possible in Apisearch.

Built for developers , you'll be able to create a search bar in minutes

You can use our multiple libraries to integrate with your search engine. From a real time indexation to a full customizable search bar. Our limits is your requirements.


Index your data

By using our API clients or importing it with our Apisearch Cloud service

// Configure the instance
new RepositoryReference(

// Create your entity
$album = new Album(
'Album name',
'Album description'

// Save it!

Build the search UI

Using our Apisearch UI library or configuring this layer in our Apisearch Cloud service.

// Create the instance
const ui = apisearchUI.create({
appId: '21abc4',
indexId: '23j5tg',
token: '1cc7a3e0-bda5-11e7'

// Add your widgets
target: '.search-container'
target: '.result-container',

// Initialize it!

Your search engine is ready

Start searching your products and increase your site conversion.