Support » Plugin: WooCommerce » Woocommerce Product Tags Not Working

  • Resolved koalasheep


    My client made many tags for each product, and on each individual product page, you can see them and click on them. The Products –> Tags area of WPAdmin shows all tags and the number of products associated with each tag.

    The problem occurs once you click on one of the tags listed under the individual product page – no matter which tag is clicked, all products show up in the results, it’s like the tags are not connected at all with the products.

    I also tried using the Tag Cloud widget, and that is not showing up at all in the sidebar. This makes me suspect that somehow the tags are not connecting with the products.

    Help much appreciated. Thanks!

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  • Plugin Support gabrielfuentes


    Hi there 👋

    Could you please share a link to your site so that I can check what might be happening?

    Thanks in advance!

    Thread Starter koalasheep


    Thanks! It’s I don’t know if you can access it since we haven’t launched yet, but what other info do you need?

    Thread Starter koalasheep


    I think this could be helpful…

    So, when I view a product with a bunch of tags, let’s say the tag is ‘SEA’.

    1. I click ‘SEA’ and the url goes to /product-tag/sea and the new page loads.

    2. The heading for the new page is ‘SEA’ but the results it returns are all products in the shop. It doesn’t matter that I had clicked ‘SEA’, it just returns every product in the shop.

    So what is the problem? If the new page is reading the product tag ‘SEA’ so much as to create the new page with the product tag, why are all the products showing and not returning the products tagged ‘SEA’?

    Thread Starter koalasheep


    Ah, someone else figured it out! It was a display problem from shop display preferences from my Divi theme. Thanks for the help!

    Thread Starter koalasheep


    This thread is closed.

    I know that this thread is closed but i have the exact same issue on my Kava theme and i have run out of ideas. Can you please tell me how did you resolved it in your theme and maybe i can figure it out in mine. The site is not launched yet.
    Thank you in advance.

    I also have this issue and am using Divi, can anyone provide the solution used here?

    If you are using Elementor, crocoblock and Jet plugins, let me know and i will send you detailed instructions.



    @eleuterio21 please can you send me detailed instructions?



    Hello Eleuterio21,

    I am using Elementor pro and my woocommerce product tags on individual product pages are not functioning as links. Can you please send me the detailed instructions?

    Thank you!



    Hi! Are you using crocoblock and jet plugins? Because my solution was in crocoblock-jet plugins settings-jet smart filters.
    Let me know if that is what you need.

    Plugin Support Adam a11n


    For other folks besides @koalasheep on this thread, if you are experiencing a problem with WooCommerce, please create your own thread per the Forum Welcome policy:


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