Support » Plugin: WooCommerce Payments » Returned payment from my bank

  • Resolved xches


    Hi there. My bank rejected the deposit from Woocommerce Payment because it doesn’t match my name. It uses the name of my business. My question is, where is this payment going to be returned? To Stripe, Woocommerce Payments (somewhere?) or to my client’s bank account?


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  • Plugin Support Adam a11n


    Without knowing any additional info about the situation, I would assume the money has been returned to your account balance, and the payout will be retried at a later date.

    We can look into it deeper for you, but it may require some information you won’t want to disclose on a public forum. If you would, please submit a ticket here:

    … and reference this thread. Please also include the domain of the site you’re using WooCommerce Payments on.

    Thanks! 🙂

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