Support » Plugin: WP SAML Auth » (Request) Let us customize the button text

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  • Plugin Author Daniel Bachhuber


    Hey @swebervna,

    This should already be possible with the wp_saml_auth_login_strings filter:

    	function ( $strings ) {
    		$strings['title'] = 'Sign in with Google:';
    		return $strings;

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter swebervna



    Where do I insert this filter? I’m reading the readme.txt but it vaguely says “use this code snippet”, but I don’t know where and I’m assuming not in readme.txt cause it’s documentation, not function.

    Thank you 🙂

    Plugin Author Daniel Bachhuber


    Hey @swebervna,

    You’ll want to add the filter to a mu-plugin, or your theme’s functions.php file.

    Here’s a comprehensive overview to actions and filters, if it’s helpful:

    Thread Starter swebervna


    Ahhhh gotcha! I made myself a custom plugin to add all our hooks in such. Thank you so much sir 🙂

    Plugin Author Daniel Bachhuber


    You’re welcome!

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