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Results 1-5 of 5
DigiOz ASP.NET Directory File Lister
The Digioz Directory File Lister is an ASP.NET Script written in C#, which is designed to only show all the Files in a specified directory on your server, along with file creation date and size of each file. This script can easily be included using Server Side Include in ANY ASP.NET page. You also have the option of displaying only files with specific file extensions using "*.ext" string.
(0 ratings)
XD Link Directory
XD Link Directory v2 is a Yahoo like Link Directory.It allow your visitors to post link, rate links and write a review.
(7 ratings)
Google Sitemaps Builder
Site Map Builder allows you to create the Google Site Map XML (Google SiteMaps ) needed within your root directory in order to provide information about your site to Google. This XML must have some syntax that Site Map Builder will generate for you. Just copy and paste the result xml. Windows version now available too.
(9 ratings)
Using simple tag scripting and normal HTML templates, you can deploy a product catalog to your website in minutes with almost no programming. Tags are defined in a XML file where rules are declared (ie: you may want that the Tag appears as a Currency, so you just have to define a rule that translates your tag into a currency, any currency). Flesk.Catalog includes Paging facilities, that can be linkbuttons or images or any kind of HTML value. Paging status text can be set as you wish (ie: 'Listing Page 1 of 10' or 'Showing 1 page in 10'). Pager can have separated CSS Styles for pager's link buttons and status. Using HTML templates you can have all diferent designs you want. The unique Flesk.Catalog's Nested Template System let's you set nested templates, so that you can control your dinamic website just as you want.
(0 ratings)
Link Portal
This application is a heirarchical (Yahoo-style) directory of hyperlinks. Links can be added/deleted/modified after entering a password for authentication. Supports an unlimited number of categories and categories within categories. Intended for personal use (keep it under 1,000 hyperlinks) since the data is stored in an XML file.
(0 ratings)
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