Service Guidelines

We love supercharging your WordPress site, enabling you to design, secure, and grow it entirely on your own. However, we are also passionate about making the web a better place, so there are certain types of content and conduct we refuse to enable:

  • Anything illegal.
  • Child exploitation.
  • Clear and specific death threats or incitements to violence.
  • Overtly malicious and deceptive practices, such as phishing, spreading technologically harmful content (like malicious scripts/viruses), or using your site to attack other sites.

If your site contains or is engaged in any of the above, we may immediately and completely disconnect your site from Jetpack, without notice.

There are a few other circumstances in which additional policies may apply, or we may restrict or disconnect elements of your Jetpack connection. Read on for more details.

Highly-Regulated Substances

You may not use Jetpack if you sell any controlled and highly-regulated substances, such as alcohol, tobacco products and e-liquids, marijuana, cannabidiol or CBD, and other cannabis-derived products. You or your customers may reside in countries where some of these products are fully legalized, but their production and sale in the US—where Automattic is registered—is highly regulated.


Any videos uploaded to VideoPress (Jetpack’s video hosting service) must comply with’s User Guidelines.


Participation in the Ads program is subject to the Automattic Ads Terms of Service, which includes details about types of content that are prohibited in the program, such as pornography or gratuitous violence. If you violate these terms, we may turn off WordAds on your site. Reader

Content from Jetpack-connected sites is integrated into the Reader, which includes visibility in search results, recommendations, and tag pages. As such, your site must comply with the Terms of Service to take advantage of this exposure. More specifically, this means that your site’s content must be within the User Guidelines and Store Guidelines, otherwise, we may remove your site from the Reader.

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