Harnessing the collective power of communities in 2020 22 October 2021 By APCNews

We want the collective power of communities within and beyond the APC network to be harnessed through existing and new relationships built around transformative actions and our shared visions. Check out our achievements in this area in 2020.

New CIPESA policy brief explores how African states are undermining the use of encryption 21 October 2021 By Lillian Nalwoga for Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA)

In commemoration of the inaugural Global Encryption Day, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) has published a policy brief that highlights restrictions to encryption and what needs to be done by governments in Africa to promote its use.

What is encryption and why is it key to human rights? 18 October 2021 By Verónica Ferrari

In the lead-up to the first ever annual Global Encryption Day this 21 October, APC's global policy advocacy coordinator, Verónica Ferrari, offers an overview of the different ways in which encryption plays a crucial role in ensuring the protection of a range of human rights.

Global Encryption Day statement

Joint statement

Global Encryption Day statement

On Global Encryption Day, APC joined with over 150 other organisations to call on governments and the private sector to reject efforts to undermine encryption and instead pursue policies that enhance, strengthen and promote use of strong encryption to protect people everywhere.

APC Annual Report 2020

Annual Report

APC Annual Report 2020

This publication tells a story of collective adaptation and resilience, closeness and collaboration, care and connections, of a growing community navigating change.  

Policy brief and recommendations for an enabling environment for community networks in Brazil

Policy brief

Policy brief and recommendations for an enabling environment for community networks in Brazil

This executive summary brings the main recommendations from a policy brief focused on regulation and formulation of public policies delivered by APC to the Brazilian telecommunications agency Anatel, in order to contribute to the advancement of initial steps taken by the agency in the country.

Community Networks Manual


Community Networks Manual

This manual in Portuguese gathers information from concrete experiences of community networks in Brazil and Latin America to answer questions such as: What are community networks? What are the different kinds of community networks? How can you plan, implement, install and manage one yourself?

APC policy explainer: Artificial intelligence

Policy explainer

APC policy explainer: Artificial intelligence

While AI is a hot topic nowadays, it is not a new area. These technologies, however, are still in their infancy, so there is still enormous potential to channel AI to address global challenges – but also much concern regarding the effects of AI on social justice and the enjoyment of human ...

Encrypting your hard disk: A guide


Encrypting your hard disk: A guide

As members of the Global Encryption Coalition, APC is joining the efforts around the first annual Global Encryption Day to take place on 21 October. This guide was developed by APC's Tech team as part of APC's engagement in the campaign.

Facebook and the monetisation of hate: The way forward for holding platforms accountable


Facebook and the monetisation of hate: The way forward for holding platforms accountable

Recent revelations by a Facebook whistleblower about its decision to prioritise profit over user safety and human rights confirm concerns that civil society organisations have observed and raised over the years regarding Facebook’s operations and implementation of their community standards.

Joint civil society statement on cyber peace and human security

Joint statement

Joint civil society statement on cyber peace and human security

Technology-facilitated violence must be understood in light of its impact on lives and livelihoods. Human security is at the heart of cyber security and therefore demands human-centric and rights-based approaches to establishing a peaceful ICT environment.

Policy explainers

EROTICS Regional Survey learnings (2): Understanding access and expression, and negotiating differences 21 October 2021 Srinidhi Raghavan for GenderIT.org

Srinidhi Raghavan, coordinator of the EROTICS Regional Survey 2020, shares her learnings from cross-country feminist research on the internet and sexuality through the lens of the Feminist Principles of the Internet.

EROTICS Regional Survey learnings (1): Reflections on feminist internet research design 21 October 2021 Srinidhi Raghavan for GenderIT.org

Srinidhi Raghavan, coordinator of the EROTICS Regional Survey 2020, shares her learnings from cross-country feminist research on the internet and sexuality in South Asia. In this first part, she reflects on issues around identity, community, agency and language.

Inside the digital society: Data, data everywhere… 18 October 2021 David Souter

Who “owns” data? Who should have access to them or rights to exploit them?


In this weekly column, longstanding associate of APC David Souter looks at different aspects of the digital society. Issues covered include internet governance and sustainable development, human rights and the environment, policy, practice and the use of ICTs.

How are APC members improving their communities' lives? In this section we're highlighting stories of impact and change by our members, supported by APC sub-granting.

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