
The Design Team provides user experience, user interface, and visual design expertise for the WordPress project.

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Our vision is to be the go-to resource for design for other teams across the WordPress open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. project.

Access the WordPress Component Library in Figma and learn more about how we use it in the handbook.

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We meet and have ongoing discussions in Slack #design

Team: 1st and 2nd Wednesday’s of each month at 18:00 UTC

Agendas | Meeting Notes


Note: The contents in this page were taken from the work in progress Dashicons styleguide page. This is also, by inheritance, a work in progress

Dashicons are the icons used throughout the WordPress admin. There are several reasons why you might want to design Dashicons. Maybe you’re an icon designer, and want to contribute to WordPress. Or you want to design a custom icon for a plugin. If you want do make Dashicons, following these guidelines will help ensure that they look and function great.

Style Style

While the icons should be as clear as possible, Dashicons are also friendly and reassuring. Slightly rounded edges are encouraged over sharp, 90º angles. Try a squircle. When given the choice, angle them to the right; e.g., the “Tools” icon starts off on the lower-left and angles to the upper-right of the canvas.

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Icon Guidelines Icon Guidelines

  • Icons live in a 20×20 pixel grid
  • Lines should be 2px wide (ex: https://cloudup.com/cYgij8rwfXS)
  • Corner radius should measure 1pt/px (ex: https://cloudup.com/c4Hh9J3lbbz)
  • They should be simple. Consider extraneous details within the icon. Are they really necessary?
  • They should be universal. Are your own demographics influencing the symbol you’ve chosen for the icon?
  • They should be consistent. Examine your icon in context. How would it look in the wp-admin environment?

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