Get under the hood.

Google Optimize has the features you need to create online experiences that engage and delight visitors.

Get under the hood.

Experience Types

Optimize offers different experience types to fit your website testing and personalization needs.

  • A/B or A/B/n Testing

    A/B tests, or A/B/n tests, let you test multiple versions of the same web page to learn which page works best for your users.

  • Multivariate Testing

    Multivariate tests allow you to test multiple elements on a page to see which combination achieves your goals.

    With Optimize 360, enterprises can test even more element combinations.

  • Split URL Testing

    A redirect test, or split URL test, is a type of A/B test that lets you test separate pages against each other. With redirect tests, the test variants are identified by URL instead of page element which is most useful when testing two very different landing pages or a complete page redesign.

  • Server-Side Experiments

    Create and deploy your own variants on your own system. You can still use Optimize to view reports and determine a winner. Learn more.

  • Additional Simultaneous Experiments (Optimize 360 Only)

    With Optimize 360, you can run up to 100 experiments at a time to test anything and everything on your site with greater efficiency.

  • Personalization

    Deliver better personalized experiences to your customers. Immediately launch the winning version of your site from an experiment or launch a custom experience from the ground up.

Visual Editor

The visual website editor allows you to create a new variant of a page without needing to recode your site each time.

  • Easy Editing

    With our WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) website editor, you can quickly and easily create variants of your web pages without any recoding — just click to edit.

  • Helpful Diagnostics

    To help ensure the success of your tests, visual editor diagnostics will alert you to potential problems before you ever click the “start” button.

  • Responsive Visual Editor

    Configure experiments for devices of any size with the responsive visual editor. Switch between devices and screen sizes to ensure your site looks its best –for any sized device.

  • Sophisticated Code Editing

    Edit raw HTML or add JavaScript or CSS rules directly in the editor to create even more powerful experiences.


Customize your website for each segment of your customers.

  • Advanced Client-Side Signals

    Use nearly any data that is on a web page with cookies or JavaScript variables. You can even use your tag management setup with data layer variables. For full control over when your test runs, try activation events.

  • Analytics Audiences (Optimize 360 Only)

    With Optimize 360, you can customize your experiment to your Analytics audiences. Connect with high-value customers, users with a particular interest, or visitors who have converted recently.

  • URL Rules

    Reach your users based on any aspect of the URL with URL rules. And maximize your marketing’s impact with query parameters or UTM parameters – helping you serve the right experience to each channel.

  • User Attributes

    Customize your site based on browser, OS, or device. Reach visitors based on their geographic location or behavior to tailor to those from a specific referrer.


Optimize uses Bayesian statistical methods to model the real-world performance of your experiments and deliver more accurate results.

  • Experiment Summary

    Clear, action-oriented experiment results help you make smarter decisions for your entire business. Learn more.

  • Improvement Overview

    Compare the performance of your variants to your original for a variety of objectives, like sales, clicks, or page views. Learn more.

  • Objective Details

    Get a better understanding of how each of your variants performed against your experiment objectives. See, for example, the probability each variant will perform better than your original. Learn more.

  • Optimize Reports in Analytics

    Understand the impact of your experiment by using the results to segment your Analytics data. See how your experiment affects new visitors, returning high-value customers, or any other segment of users.

Experiment Management

Optimize has many built-in features that make it easier to manage all the experiments you’re running for your business.

  • Activity Log

    The activity log keeps a chronological history of changes. View changes made to an account or container, when they were made, and who made them.

  • Experiment Preview

    In preview mode, you can see how the variant you’ve created looks on different platforms and devices before you run your experiment.

  • User Permissions

    Create and manage the roles and permissions of all your Optimize users. Choose from administrator permission that allow users to manage the entire account or enable view-only access.

  • Experiment Scheduling

    Schedule a start and end date for your experiment ahead of time.

Objective Types

Optimize gives you multiple types of objectives to build your experiments on.

  • System Objectives

    System objectives are common objectives that are often used in experiments. You can add a system objective to any experiment with Optimize.

  • Google Analytics Goals

    You can set your Goals from Analytics as experiment objectives in Optimize. Learn more.

  • Custom Objectives

    Need more options for objectives? With custom objectives, you can build your own objective directly in Optimize. You can also use additional Analytics metrics like Event Category or URL.

  • Upgraded Experiment Objectives (Optimize 360 Only)

    With Optimize 360, you can set additional experiment objectives, even after the experiment has started. For example, you might notice an increase in page views for a certain event label and want to set that as an objective while the experiment is still running.


Key integrations with Google solutions allow you to use all of your customer insights to deliver the right experience to the right customer.

  • Analytics

    Use your Analytics data to identify where to improve your site, measure experiments against business goals, and see exactly how your changes influence customer behavior.

  • Google Ads

    Create and test custom landing pages for your Google Ads accounts, campaigns, ad groups, or keywords. Simply connect an individual Google Ads account to get started.
    Learn more.

  • Google BigQuery

    Export your data to BigQuery and conduct advanced, large-scale data analysis to generate deeper insights.

  • Firebase

    Power A/B testing on Firebase app experiences – allowing you to run experiments on Firebase Remote Config and Cloud Messaging.

  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

    AMP users who are already running site tests in AMP can use Optimize 360 for deeper experiment reporting.

See your options.

Optimize offers small business and enterprise solutions to help you test and deliver the best digital experiences to your customers.

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