You are viewing documentation for a release that is no longer supported. The latest supported version of version 3 is [3.11]. For the most recent version 4, see [4]
You are viewing documentation for a release that is no longer supported. The latest supported version of version 3 is [3.11]. For the most recent version 4, see [4]

Use the tkn CLI to manage Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines from a terminal. The following section describes how to install tkn on different platforms.

You can also find the URL to the latest binaries from the OpenShift Container Platform web console by clicking the ? icon in the upper-right corner and selecting Command Line Tools.

Installing Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines CLI (tkn) on Linux

For Linux distributions, you can download the CLI directly as a tar.gz archive.

  1. Download the CLI.

  2. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar xvzf <file>
  3. Place the tkn binary in a directory that is on your PATH.

  4. To check your PATH, run:

    $ echo $PATH

Installing Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines CLI (tkn) on Linux using an RPM

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 8, you can install the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines CLI (tkn) as an RPM.

  • You have an active OpenShift Container Platform subscription on your Red Hat account.

  • You have root or sudo privileges on your local system.

  1. Register with Red Hat Subscription Manager:

    # subscription-manager register
  2. Pull the latest subscription data:

    # subscription-manager refresh
  3. List the available subscriptions:

    # subscription-manager list --available --matches '*pipelines*'
  4. In the output for the previous command, find the pool ID for your OpenShift Container Platform subscription and attach the subscription to the registered system:

    # subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool_id>
  5. Enable the repositories required by Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable="pipelines-1.1-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms"
  6. Install the openshift-pipelines-client package:

    # yum install openshift-pipelines-client

After you install the CLI, it is available using the tkn command:

$ tkn version

Installing Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines CLI (tkn) on Windows

For Windows, the tkn CLI is provided as a zip archive.

  1. Download the CLI.

  2. Unzip the archive with a ZIP program.

  3. Add the location of your tkn.exe file to your PATH environment variable.

  4. To check your PATH, open the command prompt and run the command:

    C:\> path

Installing Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines CLI (tkn) on macOS

For macOS, the tkn CLI is provided as a tar.gz archive.

  1. Download the CLI.

  2. Unpack and unzip the archive.

  3. Move the tkn binary to a directory on your PATH.

  4. To check your PATH, open a terminal window and run:

    $ echo $PATH