
WordPress in Popular Science

Posted April 26, 2005 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under General.

When I was a kid I would wait anxiously every month for the new issue of Popular Science because I had a fascination with the future and always wanted to check when those darn flying cars were coming out. I’m still not sure about the flying cars, but Popular Science seems to be on top of the future with regards to blogs. They even have a “From the Blogs” section right after their letters to the editor which highlights one or two people linking to their site every month. I was amazed to hear from a friend that WordPress was actually in the magazine this month, so I ran to Border’s and picked up a copy.

This month they have two How 2.0 articles called Build Your Own Blog and DIY Blogging by Nigel Powell. At the end of the DIY article they recommend people “Try MovableType, Textpattern, or my favorite, WordPress.” Thanks! (Good company to boot.) Popular Science has a “circulation of 1.45 million subscribers and a readership of more than seven million people” so this is some great exposure for our project.

We don’t have a big marketing budget or PR firm to solicit this kind of coverage, but we can thank the people who do write about us. Be sure to pick up a copy of the magazine this month (the rest of the articles are pretty interesting) and consider writing them a letter at [email protected].

WordPress Hosting

Posted April 14, 2005 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Meta.

It seems like every few days a post comes up on the support forums about hosting — people asking for recommendations, talking about problems, or sharing advice. Where your blog lives is really central to your WordPress experience, and for a long time we’ve wanted to highlight some excellent resources to consider next time you’re considering a web host. On our new web hosting page we try to do just that, pointing you in the direction of some people we think are swell. Better yet, some of the hosts on that page donate back to WordPress, so you can support WordPress by patronizing them. There is more information about everything on the web host page, including a place to send feedback if you have any. Happy hosting!

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