This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.



postTabs allows you to easily split your post/page content into Tabs that will be shown to your visitors.

The colors of the tab can be easily changed to match you theme

Tested on Firefox, IE6, iE7, Opera, Safari and Konqueror.

The tabs will look good on almost every theme. If you find a theme where the tabs do not work out of the box, please send me a link and Ill check it.


. Replace the files
. Go to Setting > PostTabs, choose a value to the new options and save it


Go to Settings > PostTabs (or Options > postTabs) to adjust the colors of your tabs.

Edit your post and page and add the code below wherever you want to insert the tab:

[tab:Tab Title]

All the content bellow this code will be inserted inside this tab, untill another tab is declared with:

[tab:Another Tab]

And so on.. untill the end of the page or optionally you can add the code bellow to end the last tab and add more text outside the tabs:


You can also have text before the first tab. Just type it as normal text…


  • An example of the text on the editor window and the live result

  • The admin options page where you can set the colors with a colorpick and have a instant preview


. Download the package
. Extract it to the “plugins” folder of your wordpress
. In the Admin Panes go to “Plugins” and activate it


Installation Instructions

. Download the package
. Extract it to the “plugins” folder of your wordpress
. In the Admin Panes go to “Plugins” and activate it


Read all 10 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“postTabs” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “postTabs” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



7 May 2015

  • Let theme code decide whether to include or not posttabs css


15 Apr 2015

  • Add posttabs CSS only when posttabs is used


5 Mar 2015

  • Improve responsive version of the tabs


8 Jan 2014

  • Explicitly declares that posttabs.js depends on jQuery


17 Dec 2013

  • Fix tab opened when cookie is set


12 Dec 2013

  • Fix tabs when “permalink” is selected in the “Link behavior” section


11 Dec 2013

  • Load JS files only where necessary


11 Nov 2013

  • Remove a few PHP warnings and notices


9 Nov 2012

  • Updating readme.txt to get back to the public listing in


18 dec 2008

  • fixed annoying link behavior that would scroll to the top of the page


08 dec 2008

  • Now uses jquery on front end
  • Displays everything if javascript is not present


28 jul 2008

  • Fixed bugs on permalink support
  • Added Table of Contents and Navigation options
  • Improved RSS feed appearence


06 jul 2008

  • Even better cross-theme CSS compatibility

  • fixed – now xhtml compliant (tks to ovidiu)

  • fixed – path to javascript works with wordpress installed on subdirectory (tks to ovidiu)
  • fixed appearence on RSS feeds and other situations where the post is presented outside the context (i.e. wp-print plugin). Now it hides the unordered list and displays a title at the top of each tab content (tks to JK)

New Features

  • Choose the tabs alignment
  • When page reloads it remembers wich tab was opened
  • You can choose wether tabs links will only show-hide tabs or will point to a individual permalink for each tab
  • add option to display the tab permalink as post metadata information.


23 jun 2008

  • refactored css stylesheet for better cross-browser cross-themes compatibility
  • now you can change also the line color
  • improved admin interface with color picker and preview


27 may 2008

  • Released first version! Full functional in all browsers!

0.1 beta

26 may 2008

  • Released first version, with known issues on styles…