This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.



Permite que voc� relacione N�veis de Usu�rios a Categorias, fazendo com que somente usu�rios com um n�vel m�nimo possam publicar posts em determinada categoria. � �til para quem quer reservar uma categoria onde somente Editores ou Administradores (ou qualquer um que voc� escolher) poderem publicar.

Allows you to create a relationship between User Levels and Categories, so only users with a defined level will be able to post on a chosen category. Its useful if you want to reserve a category only for Editors or Administrators (or whoever you choose) to post on.


. Fa�a o download do arquivo
. Descompacte � conte�do do pacote no diret�rio “plugins” do seu wordpress
. Acesse o Painel de Administra��o > Plugins e ative o plugin

. Download the package
. Extract it to the “plugins” folder of your wordpress
. In the Admin Panes go to “Plugins” and activate it

Modo de usar / Usage

. Go to Manage > Level2Categories
. Select the Category and choose the minimum level a user must have to post on this category

. Acesse Manage > Level2Categories
. Selecione a Categoria e o N�vel M�nimo que um usu�rio deve ter para postar naquela categoria


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Contributors & Developers

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