Credit: The ODI/Adrian Philpott/Caley Dewhurst

Our strategy

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Our strategy aims to give a language and a framework to talk about what we do, why we do it, how we do it, and what direction we’re heading in. The process of writing it has given us an opportunity to review what we’ve done, look at what others are doing, and work out where we want to go.

Like other mission-driven organisations, our strategy needs to be as much about how we become the organisation we want to be as how we achieve the change we want to see in the world. In that vein we have identified three directions of travel that will help us increase our impact without growing in size: having a greater international presence; partnering more with others; and productising what we do so we can do it more quickly and effectively.

How far we manage to travel in those directions over the next five years will depend on the work we win, the partnerships we build, and the support we get.

We hope that being clear about our vision and our approach will help us to collaborate with our international members, partners and broader community.

If you would like to talk to us about collaborating, partnering, supporting our work, or anything else, we’d love you to get in touch at [email protected].