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Custom Query (269 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 269)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#677 Search Page styling new enhancement Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1148 Better Bozo Notfication on Dashboard new enhancement Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1159 XSS XHR Security Violation on SSL/HTTPS. new defect (bug) Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1182 Register a view without a query new defect (bug) Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1183 function bb_latest_topics_pages doesn't obey $bb_db_override new defect (bug) Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1193 Allow plugins to mess with $forum_options new enhancement Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1298 Better post author layout management new enhancement Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1322 Post searches sometimes do not show results new defect (bug) Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1323 Topic counts are off when posts are spammed and deleted new defect (bug) Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1394 Quick Edit forums and topics on dashboard new enhancement Future Release normal
#1430 Show pingbacks on topic page assigned MZAWeb task (blessed) 2.8 normal
#1439 Admin Bar Support new enhancement Future Release normal
#1471 Request to add a user subscription page new johnjamesjacoby enhancement Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1483 User search has problems with no role on large usersets new defect (bug) Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1501 slash and backslash problem on windows new defect (bug) Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1611 Allow customize translations of string Forums new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#1623 Send user roles along to Akismet for better handling of submitted comments new enhancement Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1642 Problems with pagination and sticky topics new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#1643 Admin style (RTL) new 7i7GRiFFiN defect (bug) Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1677 form fields with guest posters adds extra information new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#1683 Dashboard "Right Now" counts don't correctly use plurals new defect (bug) Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1720 Add resolved and not resolved option in the forms new enhancement Future Release normal
#1721 Moderator control panels new task (blessed) Future Release normal
#1723 Bulk actions for forums new enhancement Future Release normal
#1748 Forum-specific sidebar new enhancement Future Release normal
#1767 Quick quotes for replies new enhancement Future Release normal
#1792 Add a Who is online widget new enhancement Future Release normal
#1816 feed title starts with the author and so you can't sort by title in feed reader new defect (bug) Future Release (Legacy) normal
#1838 Add option to move topics to other forums in the Bulk Edit settings new enhancement Future Release normal
#1883 Smarter template notices new enhancement 2.8 normal
#1888 Possible bbPress1 converter improvement new enhancement Future Release normal
#1907 Auto refreshing new replies new task (blessed) Future Release normal
#1918 New topics to appear in Recent Replies widget new enhancement 2.8 normal
#1925 Optimize `_bbp_last_active_time` to use `post_modified` instead new enhancement 2.7 normal
#1940 Multisite keep the register page on same site new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#1979 integrate quickedit option new enhancement Future Release normal
#1981 Update topic/replies count after subforums changed location new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#1987 Add date option for topics new enhancement Future Release normal
#1988 Pending Moderation template notice new enhancement 2.7 normal
#1989 Only show a single revision message new enhancement 2.8 normal
#2069 Anonymous users can always spectate reopened defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2075 Display name missing on profiles when using extras templates new defect (bug) 2.8 normal
#2076 Potential Problem with bbp_get_displayed_user_field() new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2089 BuddyPress: bbPress1 importer doesn't check BP group status new netweb defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2117 Topic Tag Admin Repair Tools new enhancement 2.8 normal
#2133 add pre tag buttom to fancy html editor of the reply and topic form new enhancement Future Release normal
#2151 BuddyPress: Disabling search engines from indexing blocks activity items from recording new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2174 No notification when topic is split new enhancement Future Release normal
#2175 New Topic Form Shortcode Issue new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2184 Marking a topic or a reply private in the front-end new enhancement Future Release normal
#2204 bbpress OR wp_nav_menu fails to set current_page_parent for forum-index page and children hirarchy new johnjamesjacoby defect (bug) 2.7 normal
#2210 Auto-set role on Multisite creates unusable links in toolbar and my-sites.php new defect (bug) 2.8 normal
#2223 Add bbPress User Roles Dropdown to new-user.php new enhancement 2.8 normal
#2233 bbPress Topic or Replies states bugs ! new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2249 TinyMCE RTL Support new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2264 Why closed topics are not displaying properly? new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2266 Profile not displayed for users with period in name new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2269 Add rich microdata markup to breadcrumbs new espellcaste enhancement 2.7 normal
#2275 Quick access the parent topic from the reply edit screen in the admin new enhancement Future Release normal
#2292 RSS feeds missing Some HTTP Headers new enhancement Future Release normal
#2293 Group forums not working correctly new netweb defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2301 bbPress Forms Should Display Unfiltered Data new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2302 Favorite/Subscribe AJAX doesn't work inside BP Group Forums new MZAWeb defect (bug) 2.8 normal
#2305 Automatic Feed Links new netweb enhancement 2.7 normal
#2313 Allow users to upload/insert images using TinyMCE new enhancement Future Release normal
#2314 Forum notifications in admin/user bar new enhancement Future Release normal
#2325 bbPress Permalink Bug with Multisite Sub Site network users new enhancement Future Release normal
#2329 The URLs of merged topics do not forward to the updated topic URL new jmdodd defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2333 Allow to filter the replies by topic in the back-end new enhancement Future Release normal
#2341 Show a notice if the topic or reply auto spammed new enhancement 2.8 normal
#2357 Design Crashes! - Li button issue - Editor not filtering improper HTML usage. new idea Future Release normal
#2377 Better Extra Templates Structure new enhancement Future Release normal
#2401 Add option to disable root forum archive page new enhancement Future Release normal
#2409 @mention autosuggest new idea 2.8 normal
#2418 Error in bbp_get_user_subscribe_link function new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2420 PHPFusion 7.x Forum Import Template new netweb enhancement Future Release normal
#2422 e107 v2.x Forum Import Template new netweb enhancement Future Release normal
#2423 Path for javascripts and custom template new enhancement 2.8 normal
#2424 Redirect single replies to parent topic new enhancement Future Release normal
#2431 Missing uninstall hooks and function calls new defect (bug) 2.8 normal
#2440 vBulletin v5.x Forum Import Template new netweb enhancement Future Release normal
#2449 bbPress Recent Replies - make a unique option new idea Future Release normal
#2453 Search results and user's list of replies show replies from protected topics to everyone new defect (bug) 2.8 normal
#2458 group based hidden/private topics & replies dont show in bbpress widgets correctly. new johnjamesjacoby defect (bug) 2.7 normal
#2480 user forum subscriptions not shown reopened johnjamesjacoby defect (bug) 2.8 normal
#2488 bbpress and buddypress groups - cancel forum and topic subscriptions when group is left by user reopened defect (bug) 2.7 normal
#2498 Introduce optional replace WordPress comments with bbPress topics new johnjamesjacoby enhancement 2.7 normal
#2506 Add subscription to category or entire forum new enhancement Future Release normal
#2507 Retain topics and replies for deleted users new enhancement Future Release normal
#2514 features as plugins for bbPress new enhancement normal
#2516 bbPress WXR Sample Data new task (blessed) Future Release normal
#2517 Password on most recent blog post causes forum search to require same password new defect (bug) 2.8 normal
#2519 Add Replies & Topics Count To bbPress Core new netweb enhancement 2.7 normal
#2533 Optimize Repair Tools SQL Queries new netweb enhancement 2.7 normal
#2547 Reply Form visual tab blank when using the tinymce=> true argument new defect (bug) Future Release normal
#2573 Add bbPress moderaton links to bb-base theme new defect (bug) normal
#2579 accessibility / usability in bbpress default theme new enhancement 2.8 normal
#2581 Topic and forum favorite and subscription filters new netweb defect (bug) 2.7 normal
#2584 Customise link text in paginate_links() for accessibility new enhancement 2.8 normal
#2587 Moving a topic in the backend the forum meta is not updated reopened johnjamesjacoby defect (bug) 2.7 normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.