Translations of Original 12672 in Gravatar

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ar Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. تأكيد خدمة خارجية يساعد الناس على التأكد من أنك أنت هو من تقول أنك أنت. كل الخدمات سيتم إظهارها على ملفك الشخصي. Details
Arabic (ar)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

تأكيد خدمة خارجية يساعد الناس على التأكد من أنك أنت هو من تقول أنك أنت. كل الخدمات سيتم إظهارها على ملفك الشخصي.

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ar Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. تأكيد ذاتك من خلال الخدمات الأخرى سياسعد الآخرين بالتأكد من أنك الشخص المقصود. جميع هذه البيانات سيتم وضعها في ملفك الشخصي. Details
Arabic (ar)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

تأكيد ذاتك من خلال الخدمات الأخرى سياسعد الآخرين بالتأكد من أنك الشخص المقصود. جميع هذه البيانات سيتم وضعها في ملفك الشخصي.

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ar Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. تأكيد خدمة خارجية تساعد الناس على التأكد من أنك أنت هو من تقول أنك أنت. كل الخدمات سيتم إظهارها في ملفك الشخصي. Details
Arabic (ar)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

تأكيد خدمة خارجية تساعد الناس على التأكد من أنك أنت هو من تقول أنك أنت. كل الخدمات سيتم إظهارها في ملفك الشخصي.

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ar Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. تأكيد ذاتك من خلال الخدمات الأخرى سيساعد الآخرين بالتأكد من أنك الشخص المقصود. جميع هذه البيانات سيتم وضعها في ملفك الشخصي. Details
Arabic (ar)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

تأكيد ذاتك من خلال الخدمات الأخرى سيساعد الآخرين بالتأكد من أنك الشخص المقصود. جميع هذه البيانات سيتم وضعها في ملفك الشخصي.

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ar Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. تأكيد خدمة خارجية تساعد الناس على التأكد من أنك أنت هو من تقول أنك أنت. كل الخدمات سيتم إظهارها في ملفك الشخصي. Details
Arabic (ar)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Warning: Original and translation should both begin on newline.
تأكيد خدمة خارجية تساعد الناس على التأكد من أنك أنت هو من تقول أنك أنت. كل الخدمات سيتم إظهارها في ملفك الشخصي.

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ar Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. تأكيد خدمة خارجية يساعد الناس على التأكد من أنك أنت هو من تقول أنك أنت. كل الخدمات سيتم إظهارها على ملفك الشخصي. Details
Arabic (ar)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Warning: Translation should not end on newline.
تأكيد خدمة خارجية يساعد الناس على التأكد من أنك أنت هو من تقول أنك أنت. كل الخدمات سيتم إظهارها على ملفك الشخصي.

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ar Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Details
Arabic (ar)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

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az Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Xarici bir servisi təsdiqləmək insanların həqiqətən də sizin kim olduğunuzdan əmin olmaları üçündür. Xarici servislərə olan bağlantılar sizin profilinizdə görünəcəkdir. Details
Azerbaijani (az)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Xarici bir servisi təsdiqləmək insanların həqiqətən də sizin kim olduğunuzdan əmin olmaları üçündür. Xarici servislərə olan bağlantılar sizin profilinizdə görünəcəkdir.

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bg Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Удостоверяването на външната услуга потвърждава, че сте този, за когото се представяте. Тези данни ще бъдат вписани в публичния профил. Details
Bulgarian (bg)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Удостоверяването на външната услуга потвърждава, че сте този, за когото се представяте. Тези данни ще бъдат вписани в публичния профил.

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bn Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. বহিঃস্থ সেবা নিশ্চিতকরণ আপনার সঠিক পরিচয়টি নির্দেশ করে। এটি তালিকাকারে আপনার বৃত্তান্তে প্রদর্শিত হবে। Details
Bengali (bn)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

বহিঃস্থ সেবা নিশ্চিতকরণ আপনার সঠিক পরিচয়টি নির্দেশ করে। এটি তালিকাকারে আপনার বৃত্তান্তে প্রদর্শিত হবে।

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bs Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verifikacija eksternog servisa pomaže drugim osobama provjeru vašeg stvarnog identiteta. Ovi servisi će biti prikazani na vašem javnom profilu. Details
Bosnian (bs)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifikacija eksternog servisa pomaže drugim osobama provjeru vašeg stvarnog identiteta. Ovi servisi će biti prikazani na vašem javnom profilu.

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ca Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verificar un servei extern permet confirmar que vostè és en realitat qui diu ser. Aquests es mostraran en el vostre perfil públic. Details
Catalan (ca)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verificar un servei extern permet confirmar que vostè és en realitat qui diu ser. Aquests es mostraran en el vostre perfil públic.

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cs Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Ověřením externí služby pomůžete lidem ověřit si, že jste ve skutečnosti ten, kdo říkáte, že jste. Tyto ověřené služby budou vypsány na Vašem veřejném profilu. Details
Czech (cs)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Ověřením externí služby pomůžete lidem ověřit si, že jste ve skutečnosti ten, kdo říkáte, že jste. Tyto ověřené služby budou vypsány na Vašem veřejném profilu.

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cs Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Ověřením externí služby dokážete lidem, že jste skutečně, kdo říkáte. Tyto ověřené služby budou vypsány na vašem veřejném profilu. Details
Czech (cs)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Ověřením externí služby dokážete lidem, že jste skutečně, kdo říkáte. Tyto ověřené služby budou vypsány na vašem veřejném profilu.

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cy Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Bydd gwirio gwasanaeth allanol yn helpu pobl i gadarnhau mai chi ydych chi mewn gwirionedd. Bydd y rhain i gyd yn cael eu rhestru eich proffil cyhoeddus. Details
Welsh (cy)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Bydd gwirio gwasanaeth allanol yn helpu pobl i gadarnhau mai chi ydych chi mewn gwirionedd. Bydd y rhain i gyd yn cael eu rhestru eich proffil cyhoeddus.

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da Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verificering af en ekstern service hjælper andre med at bekræfte, at du virkelig er den du siger du er. Disse vil alle blive vist på din offentlige profil. Details
Danish (da)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verificering af en ekstern service hjælper andre med at bekræfte, at du virkelig er den du siger du er. Disse vil alle blive vist på din offentlige profil.

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de Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Einen externen Dienst zu verifizieren, hilft den Leuten zu erkennen, dass du der bist, für den du dich ausgibst. Diese werden alle in deinem öffentlichen Profil aufgelistet. Details
German (de)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Einen externen Dienst zu verifizieren, hilft den Leuten zu erkennen, dass du der bist, für den du dich ausgibst. Diese werden alle in deinem öffentlichen Profil aufgelistet.

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el Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Η επιβεβαίωση μιας τρίτης υπηρεσίας βοηθά τους άλλους να βεβαιωθούν ότι είσαι όντως αυτός που ισχυρίζεσαι. Αυτές θα μπουν όλες στη λίστα του δημοσίου σου προφίλ. Details
Greek (el)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Η επιβεβαίωση μιας τρίτης υπηρεσίας βοηθά τους άλλους να βεβαιωθούν ότι είσαι όντως αυτός που ισχυρίζεσαι. Αυτές θα μπουν όλες στη λίστα του δημοσίου σου προφίλ.

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es Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. La verificación de un servicio externo ayuda a que la gente confirme que eres quien dices ser. Todos serán listados en tu perfil público. Details
Spanish (Spain) (es)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

La verificación de un servicio externo ayuda a que la gente confirme que eres quien dices ser. Todos serán listados en tu perfil público.

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fa Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. بازبینی یک خدمت‌رسان بیرونی به دیگران کمک می‌کند تا مطمئن شوند شما همانی هستید که می‌گویید. این‌ها در شناس‌نامه‌ی عمومی شما فهرست می‌شوند. Details
Persian (fa)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

بازبینی یک خدمت‌رسان بیرونی به دیگران کمک می‌کند تا مطمئن شوند شما همانی هستید که می‌گویید. این‌ها در شناس‌نامه‌ی عمومی شما فهرست می‌شوند.

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fi Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Ulkoisen palvelun varmistaminen auttaa muita ihmisiä varmistamaan, että olet kuka sanot olevasi. Nämä kaikki listataan julkiseen profiiliisi. Details
Finnish (fi)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Ulkoisen palvelun varmistaminen auttaa muita ihmisiä varmistamaan, että olet kuka sanot olevasi. Nämä kaikki listataan julkiseen profiiliisi.

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fi Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Ulkoisen palvelun varmistaminen auttaa muita ihmisiä tunnistamaanm oletko se keneksi väität itseäsi. Nämä kaikki listataan julkiseen profiiliisi. Details
Finnish (fi)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Ulkoisen palvelun varmistaminen auttaa muita ihmisiä tunnistamaanm oletko se keneksi väität itseäsi. Nämä kaikki listataan julkiseen profiiliisi.

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fr Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Valider un service externe aide les autres à vérifier que vous êtes vraiment qui vous prétendez être. Ceux ci seront tous listés sur votre profil public. Details
French (France) (fr)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Valider un service externe aide les autres à vérifier que vous êtes vraiment qui vous prétendez être. Ceux ci seront tous listés sur votre profil public.

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fr-ca Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Vérifier un service externe aide les autres à vérifier que vous êtes vraiment qui vous prétendez être. Ils seront tous affichés sur votre profil public. Details
French (Canada) (fr-ca)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Vérifier un service externe aide les autres à vérifier que vous êtes vraiment qui vous prétendez être. Ils seront tous affichés sur votre profil public.

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ga Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Dá luaithe dá ndearbhaíonn tú seirbhís eachtrach sea is dearfa a bheas daoine gur tú féin atá ann. Taispeánfar liosta de na seirbhísí sin ar do phróifíl phoiblí. Details
Irish (ga)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Dá luaithe dá ndearbhaíonn tú seirbhís eachtrach sea is dearfa a bheas daoine gur tú féin atá ann. Taispeánfar liosta de na seirbhísí sin ar do phróifíl phoiblí.

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gl Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. A verificación dun servizo externo axuda a confirmar que ti es realmente quen dis que es. Estes servizos aparecerán no listaxe do teu perfil público. Details
Galician (gl)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

A verificación dun servizo externo axuda a confirmar que ti es realmente quen dis que es. Estes servizos aparecerán no listaxe do teu perfil público.

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he Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. וידוא שירותים חיצוניים מאפשר לאנשים לודא שאתה באמת מי שאתה אומר שאתה. כל אלו יופיעו בפרופיל הפומבי שלך. Details
Hebrew (he)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

וידוא שירותים חיצוניים מאפשר לאנשים לודא שאתה באמת מי שאתה אומר שאתה. כל אלו יופיעו בפרופיל הפומבי שלך.

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hi Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. बाहरी सेवा को सत्यापित करने से लोगों को समझने में सरलता होगी कि आप वही है जो आप बता रहे हैं. यह आपकी सार्वजनिक प्रोफाइल में सुचीबध होगा. Details
Hindi (hi)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

बाहरी सेवा को सत्यापित करने से लोगों को समझने में सरलता होगी कि आप वही है जो आप बता रहे हैं. यह आपकी सार्वजनिक प्रोफाइल में सुचीबध होगा.

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hr Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Provjera preko vanjskog servisa pomaže drugima pri dobivanju potvrde kako je Vaš identitet stvaran. Details
Croatian (hr)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Provjera preko vanjskog servisa pomaže drugima pri dobivanju potvrde kako je Vaš identitet stvaran.

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hr Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Ovjera preko vanjskog servisa pomaže drugima pri dobivanju potvrde kako je Vaš identitet stvaran. Details
Croatian (hr)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Ovjera preko vanjskog servisa pomaže drugima pri dobivanju potvrde kako je Vaš identitet stvaran.

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hr Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verifikacija vanjskog servisa omogućuje drugima potvrdu tvoga identiteta. Svi ti servisi će biti prikazani na tvom javnom profilu. Details
Croatian (hr)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifikacija vanjskog servisa omogućuje drugima potvrdu tvoga identiteta. Svi ti servisi će biti prikazani na tvom javnom profilu.

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hr Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verifikacija vanjskog servisa omogućuje drugima potvrdu tvoga identiteta. Svi ti servisi će biti prikazani na tvom javnom profilu. Details
Croatian (hr)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifikacija vanjskog servisa omogućuje drugima potvrdu tvoga identiteta. Svi ti servisi će biti prikazani na tvom javnom profilu.

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hu Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Egy külső szolgáltatáson keresztüli azonosítás megerősíti az embereket abban, hogy az illető személy tényleg az, akinek mondja magát. Ezek a nyilvános adatlapon jelennek meg. Details
Hungarian (hu)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Egy külső szolgáltatáson keresztüli azonosítás megerősíti az embereket abban, hogy az illető személy tényleg az, akinek mondja magát. Ezek a nyilvános adatlapon jelennek meg.

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id Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Memverifikasi layanan eksternal membantu orang untuk mengkonfirmasi bahwa itu adalah anda. Ini semua akan terlihat di profil umum anda. Details
Indonesian (id)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Memverifikasi layanan eksternal membantu orang untuk mengkonfirmasi bahwa itu adalah anda. Ini semua akan terlihat di profil umum anda.

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id Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Memverifikasi layanan eksternal membantu orang untuk mengkonfirmasi bahwa itu adalah anda. Ini semua akan terlihat di profil umum anda. Details
Indonesian (id)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Memverifikasi layanan eksternal membantu orang untuk mengkonfirmasi bahwa itu adalah anda. Ini semua akan terlihat di profil umum anda.

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it Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. La verifica di un servizio esterno consente ad altri di confermare che sei effettivamente chi dichiari di essere. Questi servizi verranno poi elencati sul tuo profilo pubblico. Details
Italian (it)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

La verifica di un servizio esterno consente ad altri di confermare che sei effettivamente chi dichiari di essere. Questi servizi verranno poi elencati sul tuo profilo pubblico.

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ja Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. 外部サービスを認証することによって、あなたが本人であることを他の人に理解してもらえます。これらのサービスはすべて公開プロフィールに表示されます。 Details
Japanese (ja)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.


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ka Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. დამადასტურებელი მომსახურების გარეშე ეხმარება ადამიანებს იმის დასადასტურებლად, რომ თქვენ, ფაქტობრივად, ვინც ამბობთ თქვენ ხართ. ეს იქნება ყველა ჩამოთვლილი თქვენს საჯარო ნახვა. Details
Georgian (ka)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

დამადასტურებელი მომსახურების გარეშე ეხმარება ადამიანებს იმის დასადასტურებლად, რომ თქვენ, ფაქტობრივად, ვინც ამბობთ თქვენ ხართ. ეს იქნება ყველა ჩამოთვლილი თქვენს საჯარო ნახვა.

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km Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. ការ​ផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់​សេវា​ខាង​ក្រៅ​ ជួយ​ឱ្យ​មនុស្សទូទៅ​បញ្ជាក់បាន​ថា​អ្នក​គឺ​ពិត​ជា​​អ្នក​ដែល​អ្នក​បាន​និយាយ​ប្រាប់​ថា​អ្នក​ជា​នរណា​មែន។ ទាំង​អស់​នេះ​នឹង​បង្ហាញ​នៅ​លើ​ព័ត៌មាន​ផ្ទាល់​ខ្លួន​សាធារណៈ​របស់​អ្នក​។ Details
Khmer (km)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

ការ​ផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់​សេវា​ខាង​ក្រៅ​ ជួយ​ឱ្យ​មនុស្សទូទៅ​បញ្ជាក់បាន​ថា​អ្នក​គឺ​ពិត​ជា​​អ្នក​ដែល​អ្នក​បាន​និយាយ​ប្រាប់​ថា​អ្នក​ជា​នរណា​មែន។ ទាំង​អស់​នេះ​នឹង​បង្ហាញ​នៅ​លើ​ព័ត៌មាន​ផ្ទាល់​ខ្លួន​សាធារណៈ​របស់​អ្នក​។

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ko Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. 외부 서비스를 통한 인증을 사용하면 다른 사용자가 당신을 더 쉽게 식별할 수 있습니다. 이것들은 모두 공개 프로필의 목록에 추가됩니다. Details
Korean (ko)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

외부 서비스를 통한 인증을 사용하면 다른 사용자가 당신을 더 쉽게 식별할 수 있습니다. 이것들은 모두 공개 프로필의 목록에 추가됩니다.

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lt Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Išorinių tarnybų patvirtinimas padeda žmonėms įsitikinti jog jūs esate tikrai tas kas sakotės ęsas. Jie bus jūsų profilyje. Details
Lithuanian (lt)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Išorinių tarnybų patvirtinimas padeda žmonėms įsitikinti jog jūs esate tikrai tas kas sakotės ęsas. Jie bus jūsų profilyje.

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ms Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Pengesahan servis luaran membantu orang umum untuk mengesahkan bahawa anda merupakan orang yang anda dakwa anda. Ia akan disenaraikan pada profil umum anda. Details
Malay (ms)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Pengesahan servis luaran membantu orang umum untuk mengesahkan bahawa anda merupakan orang yang anda dakwa anda. Ia akan disenaraikan pada profil umum anda.

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nb Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Å bekrefte en ekstern tjeneste hjelper folk å være sikre på at du er den du utgir deg for. Disse vil alle være oppført på den offentlige profilen. Details
Norwegian (Bokmål) (nb)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Å bekrefte en ekstern tjeneste hjelper folk å være sikre på at du er den du utgir deg for. Disse vil alle være oppført på den offentlige profilen.

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nl Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verifiëren van externe diensten helpt mensen te bevestigen dat je echt bent wie je zegt dat je bent. Deze worden allemaal getoond op je publieke profiel. Details
Dutch (nl)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifiëren van externe diensten helpt mensen te bevestigen dat je echt bent wie je zegt dat je bent. Deze worden allemaal getoond op je publieke profiel.

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nn Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Å godkjenna ei ekstern tenest hjelper folk å få stadfesta at du er den du gjev deg ut for å vera. Alle slike tenester blir lista opp på den offentlege profilen din. Details
Norwegian (Nynorsk) (nn)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Å godkjenna ei ekstern tenest hjelper folk å få stadfesta at du er den du gjev deg ut for å vera. Alle slike tenester blir lista opp på den offentlege profilen din.

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oci Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Validar un servici extèrne ajuda los autres a verificar que sètz vertadièrament lo que pretendètz que sètz. Aqueles seràn totes listats sus vòstre perfil public. Details
Occitan (oci)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Validar un servici extèrne ajuda los autres a verificar que sètz vertadièrament lo que pretendètz que sètz. Aqueles seràn totes listats sus vòstre perfil public.

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pl Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Weryfikując zewnętrzny serwis, pozwalasz innym potwierdzić, że naprawdę jesteś osobą, za którą się podajesz. Te informacje będą publicznie dostępne w twoim profilu. Details
Polish (pl)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Weryfikując zewnętrzny serwis, pozwalasz innym potwierdzić, że naprawdę jesteś osobą, za którą się podajesz. Te informacje będą publicznie dostępne w twoim profilu.

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pt Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verificar um serviço externo ajuda a confirmar que é de facto quem diz ser. Os serviços externos serão apresentados no seu perfil público. Details
Portuguese (Portugal) (pt)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verificar um serviço externo ajuda a confirmar que é de facto quem diz ser. Os serviços externos serão apresentados no seu perfil público.

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pt Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verificar um serviço externo ajuda as pessoas a confirmar que é de facto quem diz ser. Estes serão todos listados no seu perfil público. Details
Portuguese (Portugal) (pt)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verificar um serviço externo ajuda as pessoas a confirmar que é de facto quem diz ser. Estes serão todos listados no seu perfil público.

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pt-br Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verificar um serviço externo ajuda as pessoas a confirmarem que você é de fato quem diz ser. Isto será listado em seu perfil público. Details
Portuguese (Brazil) (pt-br)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verificar um serviço externo ajuda as pessoas a confirmarem que você é de fato quem diz ser. Isto será listado em seu perfil público.

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ro Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Prin verificarea unui serviciu extern ajuți oamenii să confirme că ești într-adevăr cine spui că ești. Acestea vor fi listate în profilul tău public. Details
Romanian (ro)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Prin verificarea unui serviciu extern ajuți oamenii să confirme că ești într-adevăr cine spui că ești. Acestea vor fi listate în profilul tău public.

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ru Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Подтверждение внешнего сервиса помогает людям убедиться, что это действительно Вы. Ссылки на внешние сервисы будут отображаться в Вашем профиле. Details
Russian (ru)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Подтверждение внешнего сервиса помогает людям убедиться, что это действительно Вы. Ссылки на внешние сервисы будут отображаться в Вашем профиле.

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sk Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Overenie verejných služieb pomôže ľuďom potvrdiť, že ste naozaj osobou, za ktorú sa vydávate. Tieto budú zobrazené vo vašom verejnom profile. Details
Slovak (sk)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Overenie verejných služieb pomôže ľuďom potvrdiť, že ste naozaj osobou, za ktorú sa vydávate. Tieto budú zobrazené vo vašom verejnom profile.

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skr Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Details
Saraiki (skr)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

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sl Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Preverjanje zunanjih storitev lahko pomaga drugim, da se prepričajo, da ste, kakor ste zatrdili. Ti bodo navedeni v vašem javnem profilu. Details
Slovenian (sl)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Preverjanje zunanjih storitev lahko pomaga drugim, da se prepričajo, da ste, kakor ste zatrdili. Ti bodo navedeni v vašem javnem profilu.

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snd Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. هڪ بين الاقوامي خدمت جي تصديق ڪندي ماڻهن کي تصديق ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڪري ٿي توهان حقيقت ۾ آهيو ته توهان ڪير آهيو. اهي سڀئي سڀئي توهان جي عوامي پروفائل تي درج ڪيا ويندا. Details
Sindhi (snd)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

هڪ بين الاقوامي خدمت جي تصديق ڪندي ماڻهن کي تصديق ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڪري ٿي توهان حقيقت ۾ آهيو ته توهان ڪير آهيو. اهي سڀئي سڀئي توهان جي عوامي پروفائل تي درج ڪيا ويندا.

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so Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Xaqiijinta adeegyada dibadeed waxa ay dadka ka kaalmayn in ay ogaadaan run ahaan qofka aad sheegan in aad tahay. Waxaa adeegyadaan lagu taxin mahadhadaada dadku wada arki karaan. Details
Somali (so)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Xaqiijinta adeegyada dibadeed waxa ay dadka ka kaalmayn in ay ogaadaan run ahaan qofka aad sheegan in aad tahay. Waxaa adeegyadaan lagu taxin mahadhadaada dadku wada arki karaan.

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sq Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verifikimi përmes një shërbimi të jashtëm ju ndihmon të dëshmoni se jeni ai që thoni. Këto shërbime do të radhiten të tërë te profili juaj publik. Details
Albanian (sq)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifikimi përmes një shërbimi të jashtëm ju ndihmon të dëshmoni se jeni ai që thoni. Këto shërbime do të radhiten të tërë te profili juaj publik.

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sr Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Потврђивање спољашње услуге помаже људима да потврде да сте ви у ствари особа за коју се представљате. Ово ће бити приказано на вашем јавном профилу. Details
Serbian (sr)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Потврђивање спољашње услуге помаже људима да потврде да сте ви у ствари особа за коју се представљате. Ово ће бити приказано на вашем јавном профилу.

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sv Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Verifiering av en extern tjänst hjälper människor att bekräfta att du faktiskt är vem du säger att du är. Dessa kommer alla att visas på din offentliga profil. Details
Swedish (sv)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifiering av en extern tjänst hjälper människor att bekräfta att du faktiskt är vem du säger att du är. Dessa kommer alla att visas på din offentliga profil.

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th Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. การยืนยันจากบริการภายนอกช่วยให้คนอื่นมั่นใจได้ว่าคุณเป็นคนที่คุณบอกว่าเป็นจริง ๆ ทั้งหมดนี้จะถูกแสดงในข้อมูลส่วนตัวของคุณที่เปิดเผยต่อสาธารณะ Details
Thai (th)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

การยืนยันจากบริการภายนอกช่วยให้คนอื่นมั่นใจได้ว่าคุณเป็นคนที่คุณบอกว่าเป็นจริง ๆ ทั้งหมดนี้จะถูกแสดงในข้อมูลส่วนตัวของคุณที่เปิดเผยต่อสาธารณะ

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tr Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Harici bir servisi doğrulamak, insanların sizin söylediğiniz kişi olduğunuzu onaylayabilmelerini sağlar. Bunların hepsi dışa açık profilinizde listelenir. Details
Turkish (tr)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Harici bir servisi doğrulamak, insanların sizin söylediğiniz kişi olduğunuzu onaylayabilmelerini sağlar. Bunların hepsi dışa açık profilinizde listelenir.

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uk Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Перевірка, за допомогою зовнішньої служби, допомагає вам підтвердити, що ви справді той, за кого себе видаєте. Все це буде зазначено у вашому профілі. Details
Ukrainian (uk)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Перевірка, за допомогою зовнішньої служби, допомагає вам підтвердити, що ви справді той, за кого себе видаєте. Все це буде зазначено у вашому профілі.

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ur Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. ایک بیرونی سروس کی تصدیق کرنے سے اس بات کی تصدیق کرنے میں لوگوں کو مدد ملتی ہے کہ آپ کون ہیں اور آپ کیا کہتے ہیں۔ یہ سب آپ کی عوامی پروفائل پر درج کیا جائے گا۔ Details
Urdu (ur)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

ایک بیرونی سروس کی تصدیق کرنے سے اس بات کی تصدیق کرنے میں لوگوں کو مدد ملتی ہے کہ آپ کون ہیں اور آپ کیا کہتے ہیں۔ یہ سب آپ کی عوامی پروفائل پر درج کیا جائے گا۔

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vi Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. Xác thực thông qua một dịch vụ khác để chứng minh bạn đúng là người được nói đến. Những mục này sẽ được liệt kê trong hồ sơ công khai của bạn. Details
Vietnamese (vi)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Xác thực thông qua một dịch vụ khác để chứng minh bạn đúng là người được nói đến. Những mục này sẽ được liệt kê trong hồ sơ công khai của bạn.

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zh-cn Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. 验证外部服务可以帮助人们确认您是否真的是您所述的本人。这些都会在您的公开资料中列出。 Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.


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zh-tw Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile. 驗證一項外部服務有助於他人確認你的身分,這些資訊將顯示在你公開的個人資料上。 Details
Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw)

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.

Verifying an external service helps people to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are. These will all be listed on your public profile.


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