• April 13-17, 2021

  • Online

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About JPoint

JPoint is a large international Java conference for experienced Java developers.

JPoint grows, becomes even more exciting and hardcore every year. The conference brings together more than 1000 participants.

All JPoint talks are devoted to Java technical issues and solutions. The main topics of the conference are productivity, concurrency, testing, distributed systems and high loads in the Java world, as well as the future of the platform.

Conference features

  • Virtual platform and networking
  • 4K video
  • Livestream and recordings
  • We stand by what we do. If you are not satisfied with your experience, we'll give you your money back
  • Contests and talks from the partners
  • Online discussion zones


Josh Long
Aleksey Shipilev
Red Hat
Venkat Subramaniam
Agile Developer, Inc.


Tagir Valeev
Dmitry Kornilov
Marharyta Nedzelska


Andrei Kogun
Ivan Ugliansky
Alexey Fyodorov
JUG Ru Group


We would not be able to hold JPoint on a regular basis without the tremendous support of our partners. Our conference is growing and evolving thanks to their efforts.

  • Platinum partner

  • Gold partners

  • Silver partners

  • Information partners

If you want to become a partner of our conference, please contact us via email: [email protected].