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Search Results for: upgrade news

WordPress News Summary: WordCamps, WordPress Meetups, WordPress PowerPoint, FeedBurner and Flash Warnings

This week’s Blog Herald WordPress News covers “Can You Spot a WordPress Blog? WordPress 2.8 News, Plugin Directory Searchable, iPhone App Tested, and More” including: March is WordPress month with more WordCamps and WordPress Meetups than ever. Will April beat it? Lester Chan makes a WordPress PowerPoint Template for presentations. WordPress wins the Best Irish […]

WordPress News: LiveJournal Migration Improved, WordPress Plugin Search Improved, bbPress Updated, and More

I’ve just posted this week’s WordPress News: Can You Spot a WordPress Blog? WordPress 2.8 News, Plugin Directory Searchable, iPhone App Tested, and More on the Blog Herald. Can you spot a WordPress blog? Are you sure? WordPress 2.7.1 released. Improvements on the WordPress Plugin Directory search functions. Help for those transferring from LiveJournal to […]

WordPress News: Lots of WordPress Releases, Love Blogging and WordPress Contest, Scott Wallick, Akismet News, Permalinks, and More

This week’s Blog Herald WordPress News is WordPress News: Release Week News, WordPress 2.7.1, BuddyPress, WordPress MU, and More Releases, and I’ve covered a lot of WordPress news you can use: It’s Release Week. WordPress 2.7.1 Beta 1 released for testing. WordPressMU updated. BuddyPress Beta 2 released. WP Scanner beta released. releases January stats. […]

WordPress News: WordPress Resolutions, Tattoos, LiveJournal, Converters, Security, Plugins, and More

I just published WordPress News: Buddy Press Almost Ready, WordCamp Las Vegas Success, Plugin Author Tips, WordPress Tattoo on the Blog Herald covering: WordPress news about Matt Mullenweg’s New Year’s Resolutions set a plan for WordPress in 2009. BuddyPress nearing release from beta. WordCamp Las Vegas was a resounding success. This weekend is WordCamp Jakarta. […]

Blog Herald WordPress News: WordPress Scholarship, 800,000 WordPress 2.7 Downloads, XML-RPC Problem, and Top Plugin Authors

I just published WordPress News: Weblog Tools Collection Scholarship Fund, WordPress at the Supreme Court, Top Plugin Authors, XML-RPC Trouble, and More, this week’s Blog Herald WordPress News report. WordPress 2.7 downloads now passing 800,000. WordPress goes to the Supreme Court. Weblog Tools Collection announces college scholarship fund for WordPress students. WordPress 2.7 problems with […]

WordPress News on the Blog Herald

The past few weeks of the Blog Herald’s WordPress News reports that I do have been huge. Each one now takes many hours to produce, rounding up all the news from WordPress developers, Plugin and Theme developers,, WordPress fan podcasts and blogs, and the WordPress Community. WordPress 2.7 is the biggest WordPress version ever, […]

WordPress 2.7 Upgrade Tips

WordPress 2.7 has been released, and in addition to the information I provided in “WordPress 2.7 Available Now,” here are some tips to help you make the transition to WordPress 2.7. Reports on the WordPress Support Forum and around the web are that WordPress 2.7 is the easiest upgrade ever. There are only a few […]

WordPress 2.7 Release News and Links

Below is an updated list of articles I’ve found about WordPress 2.7 features and issues to prepare you for the exciting upcoming version of WordPress due out any moment. But first, this announcement. WordPress 2.6.5 Released: A security release of WordPress has come out and you are highly recommended to upgrade now, rather than wait […]

WordPress 2.7 News

There is a lot of news flying around about the upcoming HOT release of WordPress 2.7, the version featuring the new Administration Panel interface, part of a long project to make WordPress more usable and accessible. Originally scheduled for November 10, 2008, they’ve pushed back the release by at least two weeks in order to […]

WordPress News and Announcements on WordPress 2.7 and More

I’ve just released the latest Blog Herald WordPress Wednesday News on WordPress Wednesday News: WordPress 2.7 Final Features, WTC Plugin Contest Winners, WordCamps, Surveys, and More, and there are some WordPress news tidbits I’d like to call your attention to. WordPress 2.7 Feature List Set Ryan Boren has announced the final WordPress 2.7 features to […]

WordPress 2.6.2 Mandatory Upgrade

Ryan Boren has announced the mandatory WordPress 2.6.2 upgrade has been released and WordPress users are required to download WordPress 2.6.2 and upgrade immediately. This mandatory security upgrade adds protection for a SQL Column Truncation and other security and bug fixes. There is a full changeset and list of changed files to help you find […]

Weekly Digest: Lorelle in Oklahoma with Family, Heading to WordCamp Dallas, WordPress 2.5, SOBCON, and More News

For the first time in almost two years, the VanFossen clan came together in one place – well, at least our arm of the VanFossen family. The convenience of coming to WordCamp Dallas enabled my husband and I to make a stop first in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to spend time with family first. In a few […]

WordPress 2.5 New Automatic Plugin Upgrade Problems

I just published WordPress 2.5 Plugins Beware: Automatic Plugin Upgrade Problems on the Blog Herald and recommend that you check it out before using the new Automatic Plugin Upgrade feature in the just released Release Candidate 1 for WordPress 2.5 for beta-testers only. The issue with the new Automatic Plugin Upgrade feature is explained by […]

Staying on Track with WordPress 2.4 News

Curious about the upcoming WordPress 2.4 release coming in January? Peter Westwood of Westi On WordPress reports every week, usually by Wednesday, on the status and development of the next version of WordPress, due January 24, 2008. This week, he reported on fixes, development, and features for WordPress 2.4 such as changing the verb “Login” […]

Heads Up News on WordPress 2.3

In the most recent WordPress Wednesday News on the Blog Herald, I covered a ton of resources, news, tips, and WordPress Plugins for the upcoming release of WordPress 2.3, due September 24, currently still in beta testing. I wanted to share some of the news with you here. In summary, tags will be built-in, and […]


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