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The Federal Communications Commission  is deadlocked, and will remain so until the Biden administration nominates, and the Senate confirms, a fifth commissioner. But we desperately need a functional FCC now: Millions (Read more in this article)  of people are without reliable Internet access in the midst of a pandemic, kids are sitting outside Taco Bell (Read more in this article)  to do homework, and people need to access information about how to get a vaccine (Read more in this article) .

Send a message to the White House and your senators to demand a functioning FCC!

Sponsored by Fight for the Future, Demand Progress, Free Press Action, MediaJustice, OpenMedia, Common Cause, United Church of Christ, Daily Kos, California Clean Money Action Fund, Progress America, Center for Popular Democracy, Other98,, Public Citizen, Social Security Works, Zero Hour,, Presente, People for the American Way, American Family Voices, Friends of the Earth Action, Win Without War, and The Nation

 What is Net Neutrality? 

Net neutrality is the principle that everyone should have access to websites and apps, preventing Internet providers like Comcast & Verizon from creating “fast lanes (Read more in this article) ,” censoring content (Read more in this article) , throttling traffic (Read more in this article)  and even outright blocking access (Read more in this article)  to their competitor's products. This principle has guided the world wide web from the beginning, and has been protected by federal policy under Republican AND Democrat leadership since the early 2000s (Read more in this article) .

For a long time, Internet providers ignored this policy and did all they could to destroy net neutrality protections. Finally, after massive public outcry, the Obama FCC issued the Open Internet Order in 2015. But in 2017, Trump’s FCC Chair, Ajit Pai, repealed these regulations, putting Internet providers back in control of what we can and can’t access online.

Since then there have been a slew examples of how why we need net neutrality: Verizon throttled traffic for California firefighters (Read more in this article)  during massive wildfires, putting people in danger; ISPs have decided to leave poor, rural, and communities of color behind by cutting them out of broadband expansion; and other Internet providers have charged bogus fees (Read more in this article)  and forced customers to watch advertisements (Read more in this article)  in order to get online. And as the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the U.S., people were at the mercy of Internet companies to get online to work, go to school, and access lifesaving information. Repealing net neutrality has given Internet providers the power to decide whether we can get online or not.

Throughout all this we’ve kept fighting. A federal court ruling has opened up a path for net neutrality laws at the state and national level. California (Read more in this article)  passed a gold-standard net neutrality law at the state level, the Senate passed a bipartisan resolution (Read more in this article)  to undo the FCC’s repeal, and Congress introduced the Save the Internet Act (Read more in this article)  that can enshrine net neutrality into law once and for all.

In order to win back net neutrality protections for everyone, we need to push the FCC to reinstate the Open Internet Order, and then we need to get Congress to pass legislation that will protect net neutrality once and for all. This is our battle.

 Campaign Plan 

The Path to Victory

  • 2015 
    Obama FCC issued the Open Internet Order
  • 2017 
    Trump’s FCC Chair, Ajit Pai, repealed these regulations
  • 2021 
    •  Step 1: 

      Push Biden administration to appoint a champion for net neutrality as the fifth FCC commissioner

    •  Step 2: 

      Demand FCC reinstates net neutrality

    •  Step 3: 

      Pressure Congress to enshrine net neutrality into law