
Been working on a few things lately, including the arduous process of moving into a new house. In the meantime, however, I’ve managed to knock out a new WordPress plugin I’ve (tentatively) decided to call “Dunce Cap”.

Dunce Cap was inspired by this plugin by Travis Hines. It allows you to “tag” your commenters with an image.

Currently there is only one image/tag built-in, though you can easily add you own using the Options screen. See the comments to this post for a demonstration, and if you install it, Read the “readme.txt” — it has some important info. As this is a beta, it currently requires one extra step before it will actually do anything.

I fully intent to add more built-in tags, and to rename this to something more generalized (and less negative). Suggestions are welcome.

Download: dunce.zip

[Update: The full plugin is out under a new name: Comment Spotlight.]

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5 Responses to Dunce!

  1. Mr WordPress says:
    silhouette of a forlorn child wearing a dunce cap

    Hi, this is a comment.To delete a comment, just log in and view the post's comments. There you will have the option to edit or delete them.

    Blah blah blah. Yadda yadda yadda.

  2. Strider says:

    What, that guy again???

    To “dunce” the comment above, I simply edited it and added the following to the beginning:


    That’s all there is to it.

  3. Duvar Kagidi says:

    est il availible en Francais, my English not good

  4. Strider says:

    Je m’excuse, mais non. Ma francais, c’est n’est pas bonne. 😉

    Vous ne voulez pas utilize ca plugin; c’est un version plus nouveau — il s’appelle “Comment Spotlight”. Ici: Comment Spotlight.

    C’est la meme plugin, avec un nouveau nom.

    Si vous le voulez, vous pourriez donner moi un traduccion, oui? 🙂

  5. Strider says:

    Duvar —

    J’espère que mon Français est meilleur cette fois:

    N’employez pas celui-ci. Il y a une plus nouvelle version, appelée “Comment Spotlight”.

    (Babelfish est mon ami!)

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