POST /sites/$site/wordads/settings

Update WordAds settings for a site.

Resource Information

Method POST
Requires authentication? No

Method Parameters

Parameter Type Description
$site (int|string) Site ID or domain

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
context (string)
(default) Formats the output as HTML for display. Shortcodes are parsed, paragraph tags are added, etc..
Formats the output for editing. Shortcodes are left unparsed, significant whitespace is kept, etc..
http_envelope (bool)
Some environments (like in-browser JavaScript or Flash) block or divert responses with a non-200 HTTP status code. Setting this parameter will force the HTTP status code to always be 200. The JSON response is wrapped in an "envelope" containing the "real" HTTP status code and headers.
pretty (bool)
Output pretty JSON
meta (string) Optional. Loads data from the endpoints found in the 'meta' part of the response. Comma-separated list. Example: meta=site,likes
fields (string) Optional. Returns specified fields only. Comma-separated list. Example: fields=ID,title
callback (string) An optional JSONP callback function.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
paypal (string) PayPal Address
who_owns (string) Select box response for type of site owner.
us_resident (string) US residence response.
taxid (string) Social Security Number or Tax ID
state (string) State select response.
zip (string) Zip Code
name (string) Full Name or Business Name
addr1 (string) Postal Address line 1
addr2 (string) Postal Address line 2
city (string) City
show_to_logged_in (string) Show ads to
tos (string) Terms of Service checkbox
optimized_ads (bool) Show optimzed ads
display_options (array) Array of booleans: enable_header_ad, second_belowpost, sidebar, display_(front_page|post|page|archive)
ccpa_enabled (bool) Enable targeted advertising to California site visitors (CCPA)
ccpa_privacy_policy_url (string) Displayed at the bottom of the CCPA notice popup

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
updated (array) List of the updated variables.

Resource Errors

These are the possible errors returned by this endpoint.

HTTP Code Error Identifier Error Message
403 Forbidden You do not have the capability to manage settings for this site.
401 Unauthorized You must be logged-in to manage settings.
403 unauthorized User cannot access this private blog.
403 unauthorized User cannot access this restricted blog


curl ''
$options  = array (
  'http' => 
  array (
    'ignore_errors' => true,
    'method' => 'POST',

$context  = stream_context_create( $options );
$response = file_get_contents(
$response = json_decode( $response );


    "sent": true