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生意模式粵拼soeng1 jip6 mou4 sik1英文business model),或者叫商業模式,係管理學策略上嘅一個概念。一個商業模式係指一間公司有關「要點樣達到自己目的」(正路係賺取高嘅利潤)嘅詳細策略計劃。一個商業模式會講明以下嘅資訊[1][2][3]

  • 間公司要提供乜嘢貨品或者服務,以及呢啲貨品服務對客嚟講有乜經濟價值(會令客肯俾錢買呢啲貨品服務);
  • 間公司主打乜嘢市場
  • 間公司有乜競爭對手;
  • 間公司嘅核心能力係乜,可以得到乜嘢競爭優勢
  • 間公司要提供做到呢啲嘢需要用到啲乜嘢資源,以及間公司要點確保呢啲資源嘅供應(可以睇價值鏈);




  • 佢哋要開發一隻遊戲 ,呢隻遊戲能夠滿足乜嘢需求;
  • 主要吸引乜嘢類型(性別、年齡、喜好)嘅玩家
  • 喺經已存在喺市面上嘅遊戲或者好快會出嘅遊戲當中,有邊啲有可能係 替代品
  • 佢哋有啲乜嘢專長,而呢點會令 同競爭對手喺設計上有邊啲唔同嘅地方,令 具有獨特價值;
  • 要開發 需要乜嘢人員,請呢啲人員要使幾多同第啲資源,呢啲資源要點樣籌募;




  • T. Burkhart, J. Krumeich, D. Werth, and P. Loos, Analyzing the Business Model Concept — A Comprehensive Classification of Literature, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2011). Paper 12. http://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2011/proceedings/generaltopics/12
  • H. Chesbrough and R. S. Rosenbloom, The Role of the Business Model in capturing value from Innovation: Evidence from XEROX Corporation's Technology Spinoff Companies., Boston, Massachusetts, Harvard Business School, 2002.


  1. Business Model Generation, Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Alan Smith, and 470 practitioners from 45 countries, self-published, 2010
  2. Geissdoerfer, Martin; Savaget, Paulo; Evans, Steve (2017). "The Cambridge Business Model Innovation Process". Procedia Manufacturing. 8: 262–269.
  3. George, G. and Bock, A. J. (2011). The business model in practice and its implications for entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 35(1): 83-111.
  4. Rayna, T., & Striukova, L. (2014). 'Few to Many': Change of Business Model Paradigm in the Video Game Industry. Digiworld Economic Journal, (94), 61.
