Open Source Circular Economy meeting in Rome

Codesign circular, Open Source solutions for local development, that sustain each other exponentially!

This is the challenge of the meeting named "Locale, Circolare, Esponenziale" (Local, Circular, Exponential) that will take place from 10am to 6pm on June 9th, 2018 in Rome as part of the worldwide "OSCE Days 2018". The meeting is organized by OuiShare Italia, Makesense Roma, Free Knowledge Institute and coworking space Millepiani.

OSCE Days Rome Invitation

OuiShare Italia, Makesense Rome, Free Knowledge Institute and Millepiani invite everybody to celebrate the Open Source Circular Economy Days with a day devoted to discussion, codesign and networking for collaboratve creation of circular, Open Source solutions to the challenges  that the whole area of Rome faces these days.

What are the OSCE Days, and what is the Open Source Circular Economy?

OSCEdays is a global project to promote development and adoption of open and reusable tools and solutions that implement a change towards a more sustainable global economy.

Open Source Circular Economy  is based on such concepts as reuse, recovery, openness, sharing and sustainability. It is a new way to imagine and implement products and production process that are virtuous because they are low-impact, fair, and creating high social and territorial value.

What will we do in Rome?

The morning part of the meeting will be devoted to inspiration from, and comparisons among, several important local and national organizations and networks that value openness and circularity. Starting from those real world examples, we will debate together the importance and advantages of Open Source Circular Economy for both citizens and businesses, and the role of the latter to tackle local development challenges.

In the afternoon, instead, we will try to codesign possible concrete solutions to the problems presented in the morning session, in an interactive and entertaining way, applying collective intelligence and design thinking methods.

What participants will share and bring home
  • concrete tips and ideas to develop an OSCE-based project
  • contacts of people who may support them
  • an action plan to realize their ideas
  • energy to make them true!

How to participate and promote the OSCE Days Rome event

The meeting will take place in the Millepiani Coworking space, via Nicolò Odero, 13, Roma. Partecipation is free of charge but registration via EventBrite is needed. The Facebook event to share in order to invite people who ar only active on that social network, instead, is this.