‘social media’ Videos

  • Nile Flores : WordPress 101- Social Media 101 for WordPress

    WordCamp Dayton 2018Speaker: Nile Flores

    June 24, 2021 — Learn the basics of how to use social media to grow your business or blog, including a list of ideas of things to share.

  • Vanessa Martínez: Influencers: ¿cómo definir e implementar una estrategia correcta?

    WordCamp Mexico 2020Speaker: Vanessa Martínez

    January 9, 2021 — Las redes sociales son reflejo de opiniones y lo que se comunica a través de estas causa impacto en las masas. Por lo tanto, elegir bien al influencer que querés que represente a tu marca será uno de los mayores retos de tu estrategia de marketing. No basta con seleccionar a la persona que tiene la cifra más alta de seguidores, sino definir objetivos y acciones que ayuden a transmitir un mensaje que impacte a los usuarios y garanticen resultados positivos.
    Por ende, en esta sesión te compartiré los beneficios del Marketing de Influencers, una clasificación de estos y cómo producir una campaña adecuada a las necesidades de tu negocio. De manera que podás sacarle provecho a las futuras colaboraciones y potencien directamente el logro de tus objetivos estratégicos.

  • Brittney Oddo: Success on Social Media

    WordCamp Kent 2020Speaker: Brittney Oddo

    June 25, 2020 — Learn how to create consistent lead-generating social media content. This overview can help any entrepreneur understand social media.

    topics include:
    – how social media works and how you can make it work for you
    – the Facebook Algorithm and what features work for your business
    – the influencer model and how to use it to grow your Instagram following
    – creating engaging Instagram content

    Presentation Slides »

  • Briana Graydon: Let’s Get Engaged

    WordCamp Sydney 2019Speaker: Briana Graydon

    March 17, 2020 — Using social media to build relationships
    Engagement Strategies
    Using social media as a lead generator

  • Tony D’angelo: Why Your Social Media Strategy Sucks & How You Can Fix it Part 2

    WordCamp Jacksonville 2019Speaker: Tony D'angelo

    March 12, 2020 — This talk covers common failures businesses make in their social media strategies and how you can get your business back on track so you can build and audience that converts into sales.

  • Wendy Marshall: Integrating Social Media into Your WordPress Site

    WordCamp Niagara 2019Speaker: Wendy Marshall

    December 30, 2019 — The right plugins can make a huge impact on what you can do socially with your site. Make WordPress easier to share, reach and communicate.

  • April Wier: Automating Your Social Media

    WordCamp Birmingham 2019Speaker: April Wier

    November 5, 2019 — We’ve all heard organic reach in social media is down. What if I told you, you can improve your reach with less work per week?

    The secret is automation.

    There is an elegant way to put out unique content that performs, but also doesn’t each your life with manual posting. We will discuss how to come up with topic ideas and how to put your content to work by harnessing app integrations.

  • William Jackson: Use WordPress to Share Your Voice To Address Social Issues

    WordCamp Birmingham 2019Speaker: William Jackson

    November 4, 2019 — There is a growing need for content creators from diverse backgrounds to tell their stories. To share their experiences and to encourage the need and acceptance for diversity and using the ability to speak, write, teach and deliver transformative content.

    These stories are from the diverse backgrounds of men and women, culturally diverse backgrounds, gender neutral to gender specific. Youth, teens and young adults, American, African, Central American and European.

    The opportunity to share a voice to address social issues is easier with the platform of WordPress. WordPress inspires creativity, innovation, digital voice amplification and collaboration.

    WordPress provides a stable and scalable platform that can magnify a voice towards social, cultural and gender issues. The “Me Too” movement is not the only movement that is using Social Media to share its voice and supporting the voiceless, there are groups that are demanding attention and peaceful and united action.

    WordPress is a platform that allows and encourages the acceptance and tolerance of the human story. Share your voice.

  • Amber Hewitt: How to Use Brand Strategies for Growing Your Blog and Social Media

    WordCamp Riverside 2017Speaker: Amber Hewitt

    September 16, 2019 — Amber Hewitt: How to Use Brand Strategies for Growing Your Blog and Social Media

  • Catalin Matei: Why And How to Use Social Media to Create a Brand and Revenue!

    WordCamp Bucharest 2018Speaker: Catalin Matei

    August 9, 2019 — Catalin Matei is an entrepreneur and the CEO of Increase Media, a full-service social media agency that works with International and Romanian brands to help them adapt their marketing for digital and social media. He chose the entrepreneurial road when he was only 16 years old, founding e-commerce and software businesses. Catalin believes in the importance of helping others and thinks that every day is an opportunity to learn something new.
    The topic of Catalin’s presentation is “Why And How to Use Social Media to Create a Brand and Revenue!“.