‘Performance’ Videos

  • Jessica Thiefels: 5 non-sales metrics to measure the performance of your blog

    WordCamp Europe 2021Speaker: Jessica Thiefels

    June 29, 2021 — Marketers and business owners continually report that their greatest content struggle is measuring success.

    That’s because organic content is a long-term strategy, someone may see your blog posts 4 or 5 times before filling out a form or converting. That doesn’t mean the content is any less valuable.

    The 5 non-sales metrics discussed here can be used to measure the success of blog and website content, even if you can’t directly attribute sales to content.

    When done right, content provides significant business value, you just have to know how to measure it.

  • Matt Kopala: Stop Guessing – Diagnosing & Fixing WordPress Performance

    WordCamp Boston 2019Speaker: Matt Kopala

    November 3, 2020 — Speed matters. People are impatient. If your website or a client’s website doesn’t load quickly – within a just a couple of seconds – many visitors will abandon it completely. A slow site means lost time & revenue. But figuring out how to speed up a slow site can be HARD. Everyone’s got a suggestion and an idea for how to fix your performance issues, but most are just guesses, and not based on real data. STOP GUESSING. If you have a performance issue, or just want a faster site, you need to KNOW exactly what is slowing things down, and how to fix it. This talk will show you how.

  • Sean Conklin: Database cleanup, prune legacy plugin and theme cruft to free-up resources

    WordCamp Los Angeles 2020Speaker: Sean Conklin

    October 30, 2020 — This talk explains how to use free resources to examine and prune WordPress databases.

    How tidy is your WordPress database? While WordPress site content can be exported and imported into a newly installed environment, many larger or more active sites need surgical precision to clean the database. This is especially true for eCommerce stores or sites where user content (such as comments, accounts) are active, and migration or downtime must be avoided.

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  • Stefan Kremer: Page Performance

    WordPress Meetup NairobiSpeaker: Stefan Kremer

    September 1, 2020 — Fasten your seatbelts! We will dive into page performance, what it is, how to measure it, why you want it and most important how you can achieve a high performant website.
    Based on some latest experiences with a customer project Stefan Kremer will give the talk and share his learnings.

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  • Doug Cone: 10 steps to a faster site

    WordCamp Europe 2020Speaker: Doug Cone

    June 21, 2020 — Performance matters. Doug’s talk will take a look at some tools and techniques that will boost your site’s speed. There are three main places where speed can be impacted when delivering a site to an end user, and we can have differing levels of impact on each of those places.
    The first is the end user’s hardware and browser. The second is the infrastructure used to serve the site, and the third is the code for the site.

  • Hristo Pandjarov: WordPress performance trends 2020

    WordCamp Europe 2020Speaker: Hristo Pandjarov

    June 19, 2020 — Hristo gave his first talk about WordPress speed optimisations back in 2013 in London. Since then, a lot has changed – people have started caring more and spending more time optimising their websites.
    In this talk, Hristo will go through the different parts of the WordPress loading process and share the latest must-use technologies in 2020 that will give you the best possible site performance. He will explore improvements that have been made within WordPress and how web services have evolved to allow us to achieve previously unimaginable results. Hristo will cover the latest caching mechanisms, improvements in PHP, new imaging formats, scripts, CSS optimisation and more.

  • Zack Tollman: Defining Fast – The Hardest Problem in Performance Engineering

    WordCamp Publishers: Columbus 2019Speaker: Zack Tollman

    June 5, 2020 — We all want fast sites, but what is fast? What is performant? We may know it when we see; yet quantifying and communicating about web performance effectively is still a challenge.

    In this talk, we discussed our ever-evolving set of standards for what comprises a fast site. With special attention to the problems that ads and analytics present for publishers, we also discussed how antiquated notions of web performance are a ripe environment for abuses by 3rd party code.

    Finally, we reviewed techniques for improving performance monitoring as a tool for institutional change.

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  • Matt Kopala: Stop Guessing – Diagnosing & Fixing WordPress Performance

    WordCamp Santa Clarita 2020Speaker: Matt Kopala

    May 30, 2020 — Speed matters. People are impatient. If your website or a client’s website doesn’t load quickly – within just a couple of seconds – many visitors will abandon it completely. A slow site means lost time & revenue. But figuring out how to speed up a slow site can be HARD. Everyone’s got a suggestion and an idea for how to fix your performance issues, but most are just guesses, and not based on real data. STOP GUESSING. If you have a performance issue, or just want a faster site, you need to KNOW exactly what is slowing things down, and how to fix it. This talk will show you how.

  • Kayleigh Thorpe: How…. to…. fi..x… slo..w…. s..ites…

    WordCamp Glasgow 2020Speaker: Kayleigh Thorpe

    April 22, 2020 — A talk about why WordPress websites might be running slower than we’d like them to, how to pinpoint what is slowing the site down, and things we can all do to speed our sites up.

  • Alexis Arnal y Pedro Urbina: Optimiza la velocidad de tu web

    WordPress Meetup Guarenas-GuatireSpeakers: Alexis Arnal, Pedro Urbina

    April 19, 2020 — Alexis Arnal y Pedro Urbina nos enseñan a acelerar la velocidad de nuestros sitios web aplicando buenas prácticas de optimización.

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