‘Git’ Videos

  • William Earnhardt: Git’s Not Rocket Science

    WordCamp San Antonio 2020Speaker: William Earnhardt

    January 21, 2021 — Version control is a critical component of any software developer’s toolkit. But for those who have never used it, it may appear daunting. Don’t let it fool you, anyone can learn it!

    Focusing on Git, we’ll cover the basic commands everyone should learn, some commonly used workflows, how you can integrate it into your WordPress projects, and even dive into a few more advanced tips to help you level up your skills.

  • AmyJune Hineline: Git into the Groove – Moving from Freelance to Collaborative Workflow

    WordCamp Austin 2020Speaker: AmyJune Hineline

    November 16, 2020 — Going from freelance to working at an agency can be overwhelming, but don’t let the fear of a collaborative workflow scare you.

    What is Git?? Better question, what is version control? And what is a local environment?

    This talk covers the basics of
    – local environments, multidevs, and branches
    – version control
    – overview of a git client

  • David Wampamba: Collaboration in Git

    WordCamp Kampala 2019Speaker: David Wampamba

    March 3, 2020 — There are many ways to share and work on huge projects together. Remote is the new normal. i will be sharing about how to work with others using the Git versioning system.

  • Dwayne McDaniel: Let’s Learn Git. No More Excuses.

    WordCamp Portland 2018Speaker: Dwayne McDaniel

    January 14, 2020 — Whether it is for re-using the same code or deploying a bug fix or just for better document management, one of the most important leaps any site builder will ever take in their path towards becoming a developer is learning a version control system. This talk will briefly explore the need for Git, the history and use cases. Then we will jump into how to get started and the basic organizational concepts. We will also examine Github, the web-based Git hosting service.

    Presentation Slides »

  • David Needham: Find that bug you made months ago with Git Bisect

    WordCamp Europe 2019Speaker: David Needham

    December 30, 2019 — You made a mistake months ago, and a part of the site is broken. No one noticed at first, but now the client is upset, so you need to fix it…and fast! But where in the code was this bug introduced? What if David told you there’s a tool hidden within Git to quickly find when a bug was committed and then fix it? Git Bisect allows you to comb through dozens of commits at once and find the culprit in seconds, even when you don’t know when it happened or what file was edited. Once you understand the basics, David will take it a step further with automation.

  • Bernhard Kau: Automated deployments for plugins with GitHub Actions

    WordCamp Stuttgart 2019Speaker: Bernhard Kau

    November 11, 2019 — Plugin development is fun! But deploying a new version of a plugin to the WordPress.org Plugin Directory using SVN is a pain! We usually develop plugins using Git, hosting the code on GitHub. But up until this year, deploying those plugins to the plugin directory was a rather hard manual task.

    Now with the new GitHub actions becoming available for all repositories, we can utilize pre-defined automated tasks to deploy a new version of a plugin. It’s even possible to just update the readme file, which is even more complicated in the current Subversion environment.

    This talk will show you, how you can use GitHub actions to make your life as a plugin developer a lot easier and bringing back the fun to develop plugins.

  • David Remer: Understanding git

    WordCamp Stuttgart 2019Speaker: David Remer

    November 11, 2019 — When you start collaborating on open source projects or in development teams, Git is a tool you can’t evade. Even WordPress development shifts more and more towards Git.

    Git is a powerful version control system, but even for advanced users it is often quite intimidating. Understanding some of the principals on which Git operates helps a long way in mastering this tool.

    After a quick introduction into Git I will examine those principals. Along the way, we will try to recover code, which we thought was lost forever. The aim of this presentation is to gain a better understanding of Git so beginners feeling more comfortable to contribute to open source projects.

  • Juan J. Merelo Guervós: Git como estilo de vida

    WordCamp para desarrolladores Sevilla 2019Speaker: Juan J. Merelo Guervós

    November 8, 2019 — Git es mucho más que una simple herramienta para controlar fuentes, para convertirse en una forma de gestionar grupos de trabajo y de montar entornos de desarrollo amigables y que sigan una serie de pautas. En esta charla hablaremos de la fontanería de git, cómo se puede usar para implementar políticas de desarrollo, y cómo se puede mirar a los logs para mejorar el código o simplemente entender cómo funciona un equipo de desarrollo, sobre todo si se trata de software libre.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Dwayne McDaniel: Let’s learn Git. No more excuses.

    WordCamp Asheville 2019Speaker: Dwayne McDaniel

    August 7, 2019 — Whether it is for re-using the same code, experimenting with your code quickly and efficiently, or just for better document management, one of the most important leaps any site builder will ever take in their path towards becoming a developer is learning a version control system, or VCS. Since Git is the standard VCS over 80% of developers, lets roll up our sleeves and dive in. The benefits far outweigh the efforts needed to learn this tooling. Once you start, you will wonder why it took you so long to unleash the power of this awesome tech.
    This talk will briefly explore the need for git, the history and use cases. Then we will jump into how to get started and the basic organizational concepts. We will also examine Github, the web based Git hosting service. Bring your laptops to play along at home and get started before you leave the room.

    Basic know how of what git can even do
    A history of online collaboration and what that means for Free and Open Source Software projects like WordPress
    A path to better collaboration with any developer, or frankly anyone, in the world

    Presentation Slides »

  • Dwayne McDaniel: Let’s learn Git. No more excuses.

    WordCamp Raleigh 2019Speaker: Dwayne McDaniel

    May 21, 2019 — Whether it is for re-using the same code, experimenting with your code quickly and efficiently, or just for better document management, one of the most important leaps any site builder will ever take in their path towards becoming a developer is learning a version control system, or VCS. Since Git is the standard VCS over 80% of developers, lets roll up our sleeves and dive in. The benefits far outweigh the efforts needed to learn this tooling. Once you start, you will wonder why it took you so long to unleash the power of this awesome tech.

    This talk will briefly explore the need for git, the history and use cases. Then we will jump into how to get started and the basic organizational concepts. We will also examine Github, the web based Git hosting service. Bring your laptops to play along at home and get started before you leave the room.