‘Contributing’ Videos

  • Yordan Soares: ¡Hagamos WordPress! Cómo participar en los equipos de colaboración.

    Speaker: Yordan Soares

    November 19, 2020 — Quizás ya sepas que WordPress es el CMS más usado y, quizás, el más completo y mejor equipado para hacer sitios web. Pero algunas personas desconocen que es gracias a su comunidad, al trabajo voluntario constante de personas como tú y yo, que ha llegado al lugar en el que se encuentra hoy en día.

    En esta charla conocerás los distintos equipos de colaboración de la Comunidad WordPress y las diferentes maneras en las que puedes colaborar. Aprenderás en cuáles necesitas un nivel de experiencia o conocimientos para involucrarte y en cuáles no, cómo comunicarte con los miembros o líderes de los equipos, los beneficios de colaborar, etc.

  • Francesca Marano: Selfish Contribution

    WordCamp Denver 2020Speaker: Francesca Marano

    July 6, 2020 — Why do people contribute to the WordPress project? If you’ve ever wondered this but never gotten involved in an open source project, you might want to know the value of spending time contributing to one.
    All contributors do it for the greater good — making the web a better place — but we also do it for ourselves: to advance personally and professionally.
    In less than five years Francesca went from being a small-town website maker to landing a dream job in tech and leading releases of WordPress. In this talk, she will share some of the benefits you can get by contributing to WordPress, such as improved skills, increased reputation, and meeting new people.

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  • Sergio Scabuzzo: Give back to WordPress

    WordCamp Santa Clarita 2020Speaker: Sergio Scabuzzo

    May 30, 2020 — Have you ever wondered what it takes to help out with the WordPress project code base? What’s a ticket? How do you submit a patch? In this workshop we’ll open a ticket in WordPress’ bug tracker. I’ll work on the ticket in a WordPress development setup, then create and submit the patch to fix the issue. It will hopefully even get accepted and merged into WordPress core at a later time!

  • Andrea Middleton: Contributing to the WordPress Community

    WordCamp Portland 2018Speaker: Andrea Middleton

    December 31, 2019 — This introductory session will cover the ways that people can contribute to the WordPress global community team, no matter what their background or experience.

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  • Joshua Wold: Contributing to WordPress as a non-developer

    WordCamp Seattle 2018Speaker: Joshua Wold

    December 19, 2019 — 11 years. That’s how long I’ve been using WordPress to create websites as a part of design and development teams. 2017 was the first year I started giving any real contribution back to the WordPress project. Before that I tried. I kept looking at this thing called Trac, I even created an account and followed some of the development tickets. But I felt blocked since my primary background is in design. I didn’t know how to get started.

    All that changed last year when I was given a unique opportunity by my company to donate time to helping in the make.wordpress.org work. In this talk I’ll share the process I went through from not knowing where to get started, to jumping into a few tickets, to helping lead parts of the work being done in WordPress.

    If you’re curious about giving back to WordPress, but don’t have a ton of development experience, then this talk will be for you. Let’s go through this journey together.

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  • Cesar Tardaguila: Contributing to the WordPress Mobile Apps

    WordCamp Kuala Lumpur 2019Speaker: Cesar Tardaguila

    November 18, 2019 — Mobile devices provide an extraordinary opportunity to deliver a superior mobile experience to every user, particularly around accessibility and offline/poor connectivity support. The WordPress Mobile Apps, developed as open source, leverage that opportunity to bring the best WordPress experience on the road.

    This talk, by one of the developers involved in the development of the WordPress Mobile Apps, will contain first hand information on the way we develop and test them to make sure that we provide the experience that our users expect, and how anyone can contribute to the effort, either coding, testing, contributing designs or documentation.

  • Jeffrey Paul: Contributing to Core, No Coding Necessary

    Speaker: Jeffrey Paul

    November 13, 2019 — If you, like me, have ever thought “I’m not a developer, how could I realistically contribute to WordPress?”, then think again. Anyone can contribute to WordPress. And yes, that includes you! In this lightning talk I’ll walk you through a couple examples like coordinating component teams, gardening bugs in Trac, and getting videos submitted to WordPress.tv.

  • Cesar Tardaguila: Contributing to the WordPress Mobile Apps

    WordCamp Hong Kong 2019Speaker: Cesar Tardaguila

    October 25, 2019 — Mobile devices provide an extraordinary opportunity to deliver a superior mobile experience to every user, particularly around accessibility and offline/poor connectivity support. The WordPress Mobile Apps, developed as open source, leverages that opportunity to bring the best WordPress experience on the road.
    This talk, by one of the developers involved in the development of the WordPress Mobile Apps, will contain first hand information on the way the team develops and test them to make sure that they provide the experience that the users expect, and how anyone can contribute to the effort, either coding, testing, contributing designs or documentation.

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  • Nicky Lim: Get Started with Contributing

    WordCamp Singapore 2019Speaker: Nicky Lim

    August 26, 2019 — In early 2019, I took a class at Cornell University on contributing to Open Source and worked with a team of 6 under the guidance of a WordPress mentor. I will share my experience as a first-time contributor to WordPress: how I familiarized myself with the codebase, got in touch with the WordPress Core (Privacy) and Gutenberg community, and pushed my first few patches out. I hope to entice you into joining this challenging and exhilarating group of WordPress contributors that will allow you to build impactful software and keep your developer’s edge razor sharp.

  • Sébastien Serre: Contribuer au projet WordPress sans être développeur ? C’est possible !

    WordCamp Bordeaux 2019Speaker: Sébastien Serre

    June 3, 2019 — Trop souvent contribution rime avec développement !

    Nous allons durant cette conférence voir qu’il est tout à fait possible de contribuer au projet WordPress SANS être développeur.

    Le but de cette présentation est que vous en ressortiez avec l’envie de nous rejoindre en tant que contributeur et surtout que vous sachiez ou trouver de l’aide pour vous lancer!

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