Tracy Apps: UX design without diversity is not UX

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January 2, 2019

User Experience (UX) and Customer Experience (CX) design are in high demand these days and for good reason. Giant corporations are losing big money, big lawsuits, big customers, market share… or even *worse*. One key factor separating the successful businesses from those not, can be chalked up to an intentionally **diverse** and **inclusive** focus on UX/CX both online and off. Successful design is multifaceted, but a huge factor to UX/CX and Accessibility improvements in digital and public spaces are *directly* linked to an increase of diversity with those who create these spaces. If you think you have nothing to offer when it comes to improving the usability and accessibility of the products and sites you create and/or use, you’re absolutely wrong. In my over 20 years of experience designing solutions for users and customers, I have seen first-hand how important it is that I *unapologetically* bring my own individual diversity to the table. We have come a long way with design, yet still have a long journey ahead. But if we band together with our diverse rainbow of humans (pun intended), we will keep pushing technology forward, and everyone wins.

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