
Empower Women Speakers For Your WordPress Events in India (Sept 24&Sept 25)

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A two part, live, online training on Zoom for WordPress organizers in India to learn to run Women Speaker workshops.

About this event

Have you ever had trouble getting women to speak at your WordPress meetups or WordCamps in India?

When we say women, we include anyone who identifies as a woman some or all of the time.

Currently, there aren’t enough female-identified speakers, specifically in India. GreenGeeks desires to change this, starting with WordPress communities. GreenGeeks is teaming up with the lead of the Diverse Speaker Training group in WordPress (#wpdiversity), Jill Binder, to develop trainers who can teach others how to run the workshops at their local WordPress meetups all over India.

We will teach you how to run the 4-5 -hour workshop that has been proven to increase the number of Women speakers in WordPress Communities all over the world.

When you facilitate it for Women in your community:

  • You will help them bust through personal obstacles to speaking, such as impostor syndrome;
  • You will be helping them find a topic;
  • You will help them create a title, pitch, bio, and outline;
  • You will help them to become a better speaker;
  • You will be giving them a chance to practice public speaking (optional);
  • You will be helping them build confidence and feel motivated to start public speaking!

This 2-part workshop includes the following:

  • Two 2-hour live online trainings on Zoom
  • A script for you to follow to run a “Women in WordPress Community” Speaker Workshop
  • Pre-recorded videos demonstrating how a workshop is run (currently in English) that you can watch later

Part 1: Friday, September 24, 2021 (9am - 11am India time):

  • Why help women speak at WordPress events
  • Overview of the Training that you are learning
  • Part 1 of the details of carrying out this Training
  • Doing workshop exercises together

Part 2: Saturday, September 25, 2021 (9am - 11am India time):

  • Part 2 of the details of carrying out this Training
  • Doing workshop exercises together
  • How to invite women to speak
  • Discussion and questions

“All of the communities that held this workshop experienced a real change in the speaker roster for their annual conferences; many of their WordCamps went from having 10% women speakers to having 50% or more women speakers in less than a year. In 2017, Seattle had 60% women speakers and in 2018, Vancouver had 63%.”

- “Want to See a More Diverse WordPress Contributor Community? So Do We.”, Automattic blog post

To ensure women are empowered, we all need to play important roles to enable their welfare in various sectors and communities.

Please try to log in 10 minutes early so that we can start on time.

Tickets will be available until 2 days before the event.


Questions And Answers

Q: "I really want to take it but I can't that day!"

A: It’s recommended to take it in person if you can, but if you absolutely can’t, sign up so you can get access to the recording.

Q: "But there are no women in my community!"

A: Time and again, when the event is posted properly (which you'll learn how), we see Women who have never come out to an event before attend this workshop and then start participating in the community.

Q: Does it work?

A: Yes! Jill and now her team have been training meetups to run this workshop for WordPress since 2018. The meetups around the world get the same kinds of amazing results. WordCamps go from typically 10% women speakers to often 50% or more.

Q: I'm a man. Can I take this workshop?

A: Yes. This workshop is for all organizers. You will be learning how to hold a workshop for women, but you can hold it even if you are a man.


Organized by: GreenGeeks (

Facilitator: Jill Binder from Diverse In Tech (

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Organizer GreenGeeks

Organizer of Empower Women Speakers For Your WordPress Events in India (Sept 24&Sept 25)

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