Support » Fixing WordPress » Give users access to their admin area without toolbar

  • Hi I like the idea of not showing the toolbar for users when viewing the site but if I disable it how can users access their admin to edit their profile etc.
    Do I need a plug in?
    Our old site has a link to “site admin” which appears when a user logs in. The site admin shows a dashboard relevant to their user role.
    Any advice greatly appreciated.
    Eugene Stevenson

    • This topic was modified 20 hours ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic
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  • You can create different roles with restrictions in WordPress out of the box.

    Thread Starter gene-stevo


    Cheers but I get that. For now I’ve added a custom link to the menu pointing to
    /wp-admin which opens the admin relevant to who I’ve logged in as.
    I just thought the site admin was there by default. Maybe it was in the theme I used last time around.
    Thanks for your prompt response, much appresiated.

    I just thought the site admin was there by default. Maybe it was in the theme I

    It depends. Inside the admin you can see the topbar

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