In-depth knowledge

White papers, case studies, data sheets, and industry analysis give a deep insight in what Nextcloud has to offer.

Whitepapers and case studies

The Nextcloud white papers and case studies give a deep-dive in Nextcloud technology, processes around security, scalability and real-world benefits of deployments.

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Architecture Overview

Get an overview of the Nextcloud architecture and capabilities like user management, external storage and more.


The Nextcloud security white paper gives an overview of the security features and processes designed to keep data in Nextcloud confidential.

Server-side Encryption

Nextcloud features server-side encryption to encrypt data at rest. It is particularly powerful when used with external storage as it ensures keys never leave the Nextcloud server.

TU Berlin Migration

The TU Berlin successfully migrated 30.000 users to Nextcloud, achieving near 50% lower database load and feature benefits. Find out what their setup looks like today.

German Radio and TV

IVZ, Germany’s public radio and television deploys Nextcloud with ONLYOFFICE for efficient file exchange and online content collaboration.

North-West University Study

The North-West University of South Africa improves user storage mobility, collaboration and productivity with Nextcloud and Collabora Online.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Case Study

Keeping data secure for a globally distributed organization working with politically sensitive data.

End-to-end Encryption

Nextcloud end-to-end encryption offers the ultimate protection for data, encrypting it on the client before sending it to the server.

NCC Group review

We had the security experts from the independent NCC Group review our security processes and capabilities. Read their full report!

Global Scale

Global Scale delivers aglobally scalable solution for deployments with hundreds of millions of users, control over data locality and significant cost reductions.

Casestudy DEGES

Nextcloud provides project management organization DEGES a content collaboration platform to efficiently manage over € 22 billion in construction projects in Germany

North-West University Study

The North-West University of South Africa improves user storage mobility, collaboration and productivity with Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE.

Nextcloud audit by Swiss Kyos

The second largest city in Switzerland, Geneva, contracted Swiss IT Security firm Kyos to audit the Nextcloud code base they use. Get the results.

HackerOne Case study

Why Nextcloud puts Hacker-powered security front and center. A case study by HackerOne.


Bareos Backup Whitepaper

How to backup Nextcloud efficiently and safely using the open source Bareos backup tool. Case study by Bareos.


Serving your needs

Nextcloud is committed to provide technology that is a perfect fit for your organization!


Nextcloud provides the highest security for protected health information.


Nextcloud has unique features for research and academic institutions.

Financial Services

Nextcloud delivers confidentiality, security and compliance.


Nextcloud offers the ultimate control to protect digital sovereignty in Government.

Global scale

Scale Nextcloud to hundreds of millions of users at commodity cost.

Media and Advertising

Nextcloud provides easy and efficient collaboration on large files.

Lawyers and Notaries

Nextcloud assures your clients that their documents stay 100% confidential.

Construction and manufacturing

Nextcloud has the easy, efficient UI engineers need to deliver on time.

Data sheets and Industry Analysis

The experts at Nextcloud keep a close watch on the needs of enterprises. Our data sheets showcase the capabilities and benefits of Nextcloud while our Industry Analysis documents our insights in various industries.

Health care analysis

The Health care market poses a special challenge to IT, requiring immediate availability of life-saving data while securing Protected Health Information. Nextcloud is an uniquely fitting solution.

Privacy Shield and GDPR analysis

With Privacy Shield struck down by the highest EU court, GDPR risks have increased massively for all manners of organizations. On-premises hosting is one of the easiest way to avoid legal risks.

GDPR Overview

Our GDPR Overview document offers a basic 12 step process to GDPR compliance, as part of our GDPR Compliance Kit. Customers can download the complementing GDPR Admin Manual on our customer portal.

Monitoring and Auditing

Monitoring is crucial to keep servers running smoothly. Nextcloud also features powerful activity tracking and compliance-ready auditing capabilities.

Workflows and Access Control

Nextcloud features a powerful File Access Control feature to ensure only authorized file access. Our Workflow and data retention capabilites help optimize processes in the enterprise.

User management with LDAP

Nextcloud features integration with external user directories like LDAP/Active Directory or others as well as built-in account management, two-factor authentication and Single-sign-on support.

Windows Network Drive

Nextcloud supports a wide range of External Storage solutions, enabling enterprises to keep their data where it is while making it seamlessly available through Nextcloud. Windows Network Drive is one such integration available.

SharePoint Integration

Nextcloud supports a wide range of External Storage solutions, enabling enterprises to keep their data where it is while making it seamlessly available through Nextcloud. SharePoint is one such integration available.

Nextcloud Outlook Add-in

Microsoft Outlook is a standard in most offices and Nextcloud offers integration through our add-in, making sharing large files easier & more secure and tracking downloads or uploads by recipients.

Videos and talks

At our events customers sometimes talk about their use of Nextcloud.

Interviews and blogs

We regularly cover customer interviews and case studies on our blog.

Learn more about the Nextcloud Enterprise Subscription.

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