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Beigetreten März 2009
Geboren 25. März


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  1. 11. Okt.

    Ticket #8586 (2 errors found in) closed

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  2. 11. Okt.

    Changeset [13127]: Admin: drop an extra double quote inside the `-signup-group` tag ...

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  3. 11. Okt.

    Changeset [13126]: Admin: drop an extra double quote inside the `-signup-group` tag ...

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  4. 11. Okt.

    Ticket #8586 (2 errors found in) created

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  5. 10. Okt.

    Ticket #8551 (PHP Fatal when enabling friends component) closed

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  6. 10. Okt.

    Ticket #8585 ("Sorry you are not allowed to access this page." when saving settings ...) closed

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  7. 10. Okt.

    Ticket #8542 (Add filters to edit the URL used to redirect an activated account) closed

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  8. 10. Okt.

    Changeset [13125]: Introduce filters to allow custom redirection URL on activated account ...

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  9. 10. Okt.

    Ticket #8470 (Improve BP Directory Pages Administration parts) closed

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  10. 10. Okt.

    Changeset [13124]: Improve `"bp_{$this->id}_admin_directory_states"` filter's context ...

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  11. 10. Okt.

    Ticket #8470 (Improve BP Directory Pages Administration parts) reopened

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  12. 9. Okt.

    Ticket #8585 ("Sorry you are not allowed to access this page." when saving settings ...) created

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  13. 9. Okt.

    Ticket #8470 (Improve BP Directory Pages Administration parts) closed

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  14. 9. Okt.

    Changeset [13123]: Admin: improve information about WP pages being used as BP directories ...

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  15. 9. Okt.

    Ticket #8442 (bp_activity_add does not appear to fire when blogs in the network publish) closed

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  16. 9. Okt.

    Ticket #8562 (Push Notifications on Mobile Phone) closed

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  17. 9. Okt.

    Ticket #8218 (@mentions don't work on Front-End posts and don't show up on Activity ...) closed

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  18. 9. Okt.

    Ticket #8568 (The xProfile "Name" Field) reopened

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  19. 9. Okt.

    Ticket #8568 (The xProfile "Name" Field) closed

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  20. 9. Okt.

    Changeset [13122]: xProfile: prevent the Name field to override WP Field Types on signup ...

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