
New to Translating WordPress? Read through our Translator Handbook to get started. Hide

Translate WordPress, core projects, plugins, and themes into your language. Select your project below to get started.


Learn WordPress is developed on GitHub. Please note the translated UI and language switcher is not available yet (more info)

Projects 1
Waiting/Fuzzy 135
Remaining 421
Progress 28%

Translations for Openverse, available at https://wordpress.org/openverse. Openverse is developed on GitHub at https://github.com/wordpress/openverse.

Projects 1
Waiting/Fuzzy 97
Remaining 367
Progress 17%


Front-page editing and live-updating posts/comments for your site.

Projects 1
Waiting/Fuzzy 62
Remaining 172
Progress 25%

Strings used on the main WordPress.org site.

Projects 1
Waiting/Fuzzy 187
Remaining 277
Progress 73%

Translations of the Pattern Directory (https://wordpress.org/patterns/, also available on Rosetta sites). The Pattern Directory is developed on GitHub

Projects 1
Waiting/Fuzzy 252
Remaining 273
Progress 31%

WordPress Plugin Directory.

Projects 1
Waiting/Fuzzy 6
Remaining 5
Progress 99%

The WordPress.org international forums.

Projects 1
Waiting/Fuzzy 1
Remaining 1
Progress 99%

Text for the Get Involved flyer.

Projects 1
Waiting/Fuzzy 0
Remaining 0
Progress 100%

Communication is oxygen. P2 "Breathe" is the first o2-enabled theme.

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Waiting/Fuzzy 0
Remaining 0
Progress 100%

Strings used in international WordPress.org sites (like es.wordpress.org). For more information, see: https://codex.wordpress.org/International_WordPress_Sites

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Waiting/Fuzzy 0
Remaining 0
Progress 100%

WordPress Theme Directory.

Projects 1
Waiting/Fuzzy 0
Remaining 0
Progress 100%

Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe. Browse Happy is a way for you to find out what are the latest versions of the major browsers around. You can…

Projects 0
Waiting/Fuzzy 0
Remaining 0
Progress 0%

Themes and Plugins of WordCamp.org.

Projects 0
Waiting/Fuzzy 0
Remaining 0
Progress 0%