WordCamp Columbus Parking

WordCampers can use both the Ohio Union Garage North and the Ohio Union Garage South for parking.

Saturday Parking

Parking is free for Saturday. When you arrive, take a ticket to get access to the garage. Pre-paid tickets will be available at WordCamp for all attendees at the registration desk. All of the eateries for lunch that accept the BuckID (included in your ticket!!) are within walking distance so you should not need to leave the campus for the entire day. If you chose to leave the parking garage you will be responsible for paying for the normal parking rates when you return. You can only use the pre-paid ticket once.

Sunday Parking

Sunday parking is not included, but you will only need to pay partial day rates (around $4).

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$20 BuckID Included with Every Ticket

Having this year’s WordCamp held at the Ohio Union on the Ohio State University campus has allowed us to do something pretty cool when it comes to feeding the attendees. This year each attendee gets a BuckID card, prepaid with $20 on it.

What’s a BuckID card you ask? It’s a system Ohio State implemented many years ago, and is the official student ID of Ohio State students.

However, one big benefit of a BuckID card is that you can deposit money into it, which essentially turns it into a debit card that you can use at tons of places around campus. Restaurants, t-shirt shops, bookstores, just about anywhere around campus accepts BuckID as payment (you can see the complete list on the BuckID website).

During registration each attendee will receive their very own $20 BuckID card to use however and whenever they want while at the WordCamp. This could include lunch, dinner, or even some souvenir shopping while walking around campus.

So feel free to use your BuckID card on whatever you need. Enjoy.

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Who Should Attend WordCamp?

Individuals Who Would Like a Website or Blog

You don’t know any HTML, CSS, or PHP, but you know you’d like to be able to have a website and maintain it yourself. You might enjoy our Beginners Workshop, in particular.


You’d like a stable, secure platform for your business site. You may need the assistance of a developer or designer in the future and would like access to ones from the local  WordPress community.

WordPress Users

You have a WordPress site or blog, and would like to learn more about how to use it, promote it, extend it, hack it, or design it.

Web Developers

You can hack code with the best of them! You want to better integrate WordPress into your services. Or you actively develop with WordPress and want to get the latest intel on dev tips and tricks, and network with local WordPress developers and from the national scene.

Creative and Tech-Related Companies

If you need to hire WordPress developers or web developers, there’s a good chance you can find one at WordCamp Columbus.

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What Is WordPress and WordCamp?

WordPress is open-source software which provides a powerful, flexible, scalable and easy to learn website tool that anyone can access at no cost. WordCamps celebrate this open tool by teaching people how to use WordPress, how to bend it to their will, and even how to leverage it as a business-and to do it all for about the price of lunch

WordCamp Columbus is organized and run by unpaid volunteers, underwritten by sponsors, and profit-free. Any remaining funds from sponsorships are donated to the local non-profits. WordCamp Columbus was launched in 2009 and organized by Alvin Borromeo and Jason Blanton. In 2010, WordCamp Columbus merged with PodCamp Ohio. In 2011, WordCamp Columbus was again its own event, organized by Angie Meeker and hosted over 150 attendees, with over 50 more on a waiting list to get in!

WordCamp Columbus allows the community to experience a conference for a low cost ($40!) that would cost hundreds elsewhere. This gives non-profits, freelancer,s and small businesses the chance to remain competitive and aware of the latest technology.

Sponsorship gives your business access to a highly targeted demographic. Our attendees average:

  • 25-45 yrs old
  • 45-125k/annum HHI
  • Web & tech savvy professionals
  • An astounding 90% of attendees are active bloggers
  • Most are highly active on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Yelp, and FourSquare with large circles of influence

WordCamp Columbus 2012 will host between 100-125 attendees on Saturday, July 14-15, 2012. Activities will be followed by WordPress fans all over the world via Twitter and the #wccbus hashtag. Our sessions will also be recorded and uploaded to WordPress.tv. We truly want our sponsors to see ROI on their investment in WordCamp. We will personally work with sponsors to ensure they have a creative opportunity to organically imprint their brand on attendees. There is no better opportunity to reach an intelligent, interesting, and evangelistic local crowd.

If you are interested in sponsorship, please contact Angie Meeker at 614.353.0633, [email protected], or register on our website.

Angie Meeker, Dave Donaldson, Jonathan Davis
July 14-15, 2012
Columbus, Ohio

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