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HTTP Redirect Request

You can implement the cookie-based opt-out mechanism through an HTTP redirect call. For example, if you implement the following HTML tag, OpenX redirects the user to the appropriate URL (as specified by the s and f parameters) based on the success or failure of the opt-out process.

<a href="
click here to opt-out</a>


  • http: The protocol. If your website uses SSL/TLS, replace http with https.
  • The custom hostname of the OpenX delivery server.
  • ?: Separates the opt-out URL from the parameters.
  • s: (required) Specifies the URL to redirect to if the opt-out is successful.
  • f: (required) Specifies the URL to redirect to if the opt-out is not successful.
  • &: An ampersand separates each parameter.

OpenX does not serve any HTML content back to your users; the system simply redirects to the appropriate content page indicated by the supplied arguments.