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BIDS: Bidding Intelligence Data Set


BIDS is a service that provides agencies, brands and advertisers access to log-level bidding data specific to their buying activity on the OpenX exchange. This access unlocks critical insights that can drive superior return on ad spend from an improved ability to tune bidding and supply access strategies. BIDS is offered via the Snowflake Data Marketplace and is available to any buyer on OpenX, whether or not they are a current Snowflake customer.


  • Access all your transactions (bids), from the last 14 days in the OpenX exchange *, with support for data fields critical to your business
  • Built-in support for all common BI tools such as Looker, Tableau, and Domo.
  • No data pipelines necessary.
  • Immediately queryable data for analysts.
  • Combine BIDS data with your proprietary data or other data sources directly through Snowflake.
  • Fast data turnaround time (2-3 days from request to access).
  • Data can be easily exported using Snowflake’s SnowSight UI.

* Starting from the time you are granted BIDS access.


  • View the entire supply chain to support data-driven Supply Path Optimization (SPO).
  • Generate insights that enable sophisticated bidding strategies and campaign goal attainment.
  • No dev resources required to access BIDS or maintain and monitor data pipelines.
  • No additional data storage costs.

Available Fields

For available fields, see BIDS Available Fields.

Data Retention and Frequency

BIDS is updated hourly and available within 36 hours of the event.


BIDS can be shared directly with your existing Snowflake account, or OpenX can host reader access for non-Snowflake customers. Below is the basic onboarding process for each type of customer:

Existing Snowflake Customers

  1. Find OpenX BIDS in the Snowflake Data Marketplace, click on Request Data, and submit the form to OpenX.
  2. OpenX reviews form and responds with BIDS Data License Agreement.
  3. Sign BIDS Data License Agreement.
  4. OpenX makes data available to your account.
  5. Click Get Data from the OpenX BIDS Listing.
  6. Create and name your new database in your own Snowflake account.
  7. Run queries against your new dataset from OpenX BIDS!

Non-Snowflake Customers

  1. Request access to BIDS from your OpenX buyer development contact, [email protected], or directly from Snowflake’s website.
  2. OpenX reviews requests and responds with BIDS Data License Agreement.
  3. Sign contract and establish billing relationship with OpenX.
  4. OpenX creates a Snowflake reader account and user login for your organization.
  5. OpenX shares your data with that new account.
  6. Run queries against your new dataset from OpenX BIDS!


OpenX covers the additional data storage cost for all customers of BIDS. BIDS access is no additional cost to existing Snowflake customers.

If you are not ready to commit to working directly with Snowflake, but still want access to BIDS, OpenX can easily provide you hosted read-only access at the following cost:

  • $899/month
  • 500 credits *

Free Trial: Buyers not ready to commit to Snowflake, or OpenX hosted reader access, can sign up for a 30 day free trial on Snowflake’s website with $400 worth of credits here: Snowflake Trial. OpenX can then create a share directly to this trial account.


* To request more than 500 monthly credits, please contact your buyer development representative.

Regional Availability

  • Existing Snowflake Customers: BIDS can be shared to any region supported by Snowflake.

  • Non-Snowflake Customers: Only available in AWS US-WEST.

Tips & Tutorials

How to Efficiently Query your BIDS Data
